Last part of 100

ocean walk 192This list of daily thoughts start at day 82 of my 100 day challenge to myself. It ends with day 100. I will be posting the entire list  along with my closing thoughts soon. I just know that if I don’t post this I will be asking myself where it is at one point.

  1. It amazes me what a little bit of happiness can do sometimes. (Meaning some times it amazes me.  A little bit of happiness can do so much.)
  2. I can do anything because I keep the right attitude.
  3. A little encouragement can go a long way. (This was a class day.)
  4. I really fought with myself to do the workout but I did it and I am happy I did.
  5. I have the biggest smile on my face because I learn so much and felt the workout like crazy. (I had a Monday class, so yeah it was a workout.)
  6. The mind is powerful don’t waste it.
  7. I can tell this is still just the beginning of my healthy journey, but I’ve already come so far.
  8. It all seems like a mind game right now, and I am winning.
  9. 2 classes =2.5 hours is a great way to celebrate day 90.
  10. Only 9 more days and I’m feeling great. (Said with two smiles worth of happiness after another class.)
  11. Today seemed like a long day, good but long. Also I am loving BJJ more and more.
  12. I pulled something at class, so the last 7 days will be interesting.
  13. The pulled muscle/ part of leg is feeling better, still modified my workout. I’m happy with the results. I keep on going.
  14. Still modified the workout, but did more of what I can do. Only 5 more days now. Time to finish strong.
  15. Still modified the workout, still doing workout plus a little extra. I’m feeling positive with 4 days to go.
  16. I still modified the workout, but did even more of what I can do. Also I use to not be able to do 10 crossovers/ Russian twists. Now I can do 30 non-stop which makes me smile.
  17. I had a great class and really happy with my improvements.
  18. One more day. I’m feeling like a warrior. (Said with a smile on my face.)
  19. Woot! Woot! Yeah Buddy! I did 100 days and ended with an awesome class.

Bonus/ ending thought: You can do anything if you really want to. This is proof of it.



  1. Yeah, you can do anything! Like throw me (200 lbs) Morote Gari!

    Great job Tiff.

  2. Pingback:He Look A DreamWard Bound Post | For The Joy Of Tiff

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