Flowers And Hearts Portrait; My Happy Painting

 Flower and Hearts Portrait

Title: Flowers and Hearts Portrait

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Size: 8 inches by 10 inches

Year Painted: 2020

The Write Up

My “Flowers and Hearts Portrait” painting started out as the actor Zachary Levi but then I got the nose wrong and the painting went a different direction. It was fun to paint and when I didn’t like how a few areas came out I just added some happy little flowers and hearts to make it a complete painting.

For Sale:

Price for the public: $74.25

Patreon (for scones and above): $54

For more information email

Want More?

This painting is available on my etsy store along with a few other acrylic paintings and a few digital drawings prints.

Also, On YouTube, I do have a playlist dedicated for sped up paintings. I also have a section on this site where I share my visual arts portfolio along with my painting portfolio.

among the garden visual poem

Among The Garden (A Poem)


Do not stay too long
among the flowers of the field.
Do not linger at the garden’s rose.
My heart waits for you,
but not there.

I am not a rose,
not a flower.
Although pretty and fragrant
their beauty wilts and withers too soon.
Vanity won’t nourish your soul
or calm your nerves.
Charm is a Venus flytrap
alluring but harmful

So do not stay among the garden
while your love awaits your arrival.

Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio or watch a few of my poetry readings.

Poetry of Words.

Let me twist you
distort you
and make you my own.
I want to ring you out
and squeeze
every bit of meaning out.
Then I will fill you with flowers
and the sweet scent of love.
Once I dissect you
I will stitch you back together.
Once I know your insides
and can hold tight to your outsides,
then I will use you,
then I will love you dearly.
Let me twist you
distort you
and make you my own.

Wow, that became a dark poem. I am talking about learning different words though, I swear. The you is a word. 

My flower Haiku and other



Below is the most popular definition, but there is more to haiku than meets the eye:

Haiku (also called nature or seasonal haiku) is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all. Haiku is usually written in the present tense and focuses on nature (seasons).

The 5/7/5 rule was made up for school children to understand and learn this type of poetry. For an in-depth description of Haiku, please visit the Shadow Poetry Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka section. There is much more to haiku than the made up 5/7/5 version.

Flowers grow in spring

with the rain watering them

please bloom now flowers.


Yeah, that was a stretch, but at least I managed to get a poem in after improv. Let me try another one, that is more me.

These words must be said

they must come to life one way

the words that shine love.

Again, it’s after improv. My creative juices must be low.  Let me know what you think.