Grandma’s Painting: My Most Prized Position

Grandmas painting

Growing up, I thought I wanted to follow in my grandpa’s footsteps and become a vet like he was. As I grew, I changed courses and followed closer to my grandma’s path. My grandma was an artist. She would make quilts and paint pictures. Each one of her grandkids received a quilt and painting from her. It was a wonderful tradition that I greatly value. In fact, one of my most prized positions to this day is the painting she painted for me.

The painting is of her barn on an early autumn day with sheep grazing in the foreground. This barn was on the property where she raised her kids and her grandkids would visit. Her home is such a wonderful childhood memory and I thankful that I have a painting of her barn to remind me of it. I am not home until I hang this painting near a door so that if there is a fire, I will easily be able to save it. It ties me to my family and acts as a reminder of my past. It is love on canvas and I love this painting.

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Kitty's Monologue


Kitty is a character in my novel, who can not talk. She finds different ways to communicate and share knowledge. There is a lot to her, but she can’t always get that across. This monologue is an internal monologue taking place inside Kitty’s mind to Noah, one of the other main characters and the person she is closest to.

I do hear you. I do understand you. I do deserve my position. I really do and I know you know I should be where I am. I just wonder if the others think I belong. Sometimes I know that I don’t, but then you look at me and I belong. Your brother seems hard and protective of his mission. He can’t see that it is my mission too.

I am locked inside my mind. I wish I could just tell you and your brother. Really I wish I could tell everyone what is happening inside. It is like the neural pathways  connecting my voice and thoughts are missing. With every trauma or change they are erased and I must relearn how to make sounds that would be considered words. To make matters worst my memories are misplaced. They are not lost, just misplaced. This makes it hard even know what I know. All my memories are intact, but they are hidden from me and it seems like just when I find a memory or way to connect my vocal cords and thoughts together they are erased or jumbled up.

I hope you understand that I am doing my best. Your smile makes me think you know, but how? I never know until I start reconnecting things. Maybe that is why you’re with me; to help me remember that I am not permanently broken just different with misplaced memories.

Hopefully one day I will get to thank you. Hopefully one day everyone will understand. I am smart and I am worthy of helping. It may be a long time, but I do hope.

I hope you like this and if you follow my blog you will learn more about the characters of  Duality, since I am pretty focused on it. At least I am trying to be really focused on it.