Space-Riders: Barroom findings(#1)

I have had this story in my mind for a while now. Since it is in fragments, in my mind, and more about the characters right now, I thought it would be cool if I simply wrote a short story series with them. This is the first Space-Riders (the title most likely will change).

Barroom Findings

The doors to a dusty old bar swung open and in walked a captain clothed in a beige suit with gold and silver buttons, along with gold and silver pins. He wore his wealth proudly as his identifier. He strolled up to the bartender and sat on an empty bar-stool, before telling the bartender, “I need a mechanic and doctor, for my ship.”

The bartender stared at him for a moment before asking,“Would you like them in the same body?”

“Yes, and I need it right away.”

The bartender nodded and waved over a man who had appeared to be sleeping while sitting at a table across the gray and dirty room. He stood and walked over to the bar, as he placed his old brown Stetson on his head. The captain nodded at the man and then asked the bartender, “How much for him?”

“Under the inter-planet law for conscious technology, I can not accept payment for him. He is to be paid humane wages.”

The captain nodded and looked at the man standing next to him, “What are you?”

“I am a Trion 5,963.02 model of a doctor and a Xera 99×21.9 model of a ship mechanic, with Zio 9.09z software for spaceship technology.”

Again the captain nodded with acceptance  at the information. “Do you have a name?”

“I have been called multiple  names.”

The captain smirked at the android’s answer and asked, “Which one do you identify with?”


“Alright Zio, do you want to come with me and help me on my ship?”

Zio smiled at the captain before telling him, “That is what I have been made for.”

“Alright, let’s go,” The captain said and tossed a 1,000 credit coin on the bar as a token of appreciation for the bartenders help.

They walked through the compact sand behind the bar, where the captain had landed his ship.

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