There has been a lot of changes to my art business in 2019 and more to come in 2020. To make sure you are up to date with what those changes are here is my 2019 year in review.
I first retired my blog series Dreamward Bound. Although I am still heading towards my dreams the focus of my writing time has changed. I started the series God Shows Up and have been posting more poems. Plus I have been working hard on my book To Love.
I also started to do poetry readings on YouTube and working on some other promotional videos.
Poetry readings and promotional videos were not the videos I published in 2019. Earlier in the year I did some vlogs and in September I recorded 2 videos about how I am going to focus on my art business more.
In addition to writings and posting on youtube I started my Patreon page and got my first two patrons on there.
My RedBubble and Society6 stores are also growing with more digital art.
My two favorite digital art pieces from 2019 are “I’m Possible,” and “Nerdy Unicorn.”

Finally I started to look for writing work through Fiverr. I currently have 4 writing gigs available. They are script writing, a custom poem, short story writing, and writing an article.
I hope you enjoyed my 2019 in review. If you have any comments, questions, or feedback please let me know.