I’m so thankful for those who support my book. I know that not everyone has sent me pictures of them reading their copy. This is just a sample of the wonderful people who thought my book was worth their money.
I’m so grateful and happy that I have their love and support. I feel so accomplished and thrilled when someone mentions that they’re reading my book or like a certain section in it. My heart does a mini happy dance.
This was such a long process filled with life changes and editing struggles. Honestly, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I didn’t even know what the book would be by the end. The only thing I knew was I had to write it. That is one reason why it thrills me so much when I hear people are enjoying what I wrote.
Again thank you all who have bought and/ or read my book. It brings a smile to my face.
Side note: If you want to purchase “To Love” you can. It’s on amazon.