One of my sisters has a tattoo machine and has tattooed herself a few times with it. She isn’t looking to change careers; she is happy being a nurse. The machine was her husband’s before he passed last year. The first tattoos she gave herself was ones that reminded her of him.
Well, in August I went on a vacation with my family. In between the actual vacation and my flight, I stayed at her house. This was so she could tattoo me. The original idea was a simple tree on the inside of my upper arm. It would be a remembrance tattoo for my brother who passed last year. (Yes, there were multiple deaths in my family in August 2019.) As we discussed it she mentioned that it would be the first tattoo she gave someone else. It was quickly decided we would start with an easier and less painful tattoo.
Now, it wasn’t like I just came up with my new tattoo on the vacation. I have a list of tattoos I want to get. My “love boldly” tattoo was just going to be after Chris’s tree. However, things didn’t work out that way and I got “love boldly” before the tree.
When I first painted this symbol something clicked, as though my eyes opened in a new way. This is what I need to remind myself daily. This is what I need to focus on. I need to love boldly. For me, that means to love without fear or holding back. Jesus loved the world boldly and I should try to imitate Jesus, right?
My “love boldly” symbol gives me permission in a way to free myself from myself and just love those around me. It reminds me that sometimes I need to get out of my own way and just help people or love them in whatever way they need it. Now it’s on my arm, so I guess I have to make sure I’m always boldly loving those around me. What a wonderful tool.

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