It doesn’t matter who you are or who you love; I want to love all. What that means is that even if I don’t agree with one aspect of your life, I will treat you how I want you to treat me and come alongside you to support you. It doesn’t matter if you follow different rules in your life or act differently than me. You are human and deserve my respect and love. We each have a different path to walk and we each need love and support on that walk.
Yes, I believe in the God of the Bible and try to imitate Jesus as much as I can. That is partly why I want to let you know that I will love you no matter who you are. Jesus loved those that society said he shouldn’t and showed kindness and respect to those forgotten or rejected by most.
Loving God helps me love others, and the second greatest commandment is “love your neighbor.” To me, everyone on this planet is my neighbor, so I’ll love everyone on this planet if they let me. It is as simple as showing others the respect and kindness that you want them to show to you, even if they are not acting the same way. Sometimes love is understanding that someone’s trauma or brokenness is preventing them from loving. That doesn’t mean you should stop loving.
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