Having multiple creative outlets is a balancing act. If you didn’t know I write, paint, draw digitally, and do other things when I have time. Some days and weeks I feel put together with everything well balanced. Those weeks I have planned well and no outside forces have negatively affected my schedule. More often than not I am in a good habit of resting and recharging. Those weeks are great.

Other weeks are a bit of a different story. It can seem one area or another starts slipping from my grasp. It’s like my plate gets bumped and jumbled up. Things don’t seem to fit into place those weeks.

Then they are weeks where I don’t know what’s going on and just hanging on. I feel a bit crazy those weeks. It’s like I’m on a rollercoaster in the dark and just have to do what I can until I can reset my focus.
I would not trade all the crazy, stressful, or upside down weeks for anything though. Being creative is who I am. Each aspect of my creativity reflects a need of mine, and each outlet helps me differently. Writing poetry helps me explore emotions that I need to understand. Painting helps me express emotions that I need to express and feel, but may not need to put words to. Telling stories, whether they are fiction or non-fiction, helps me share truths and entertain at least myself. Drawing and working with clay or paper mache helps me think through things.
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