Bible Retold Short Stories is a series where I retell Bible stories in my own words. These are for entertainment purposes and to help me work on my writing skills.

Genesis 22:1-19
This is the story of how Abraham’s faith was confirmed in a really intense way. Abraham was an old man when his wife, Sara, gave birth to their son Isaac. God promised this son to them in order for Abraham’s descendants to become a great nation.
Abraham was even older when God sent a huge test to Abraham. God came to Abraham and told him to take Isaac, his only son, who Abraham loved, and sacrifice him on a mountain as a burnt offering.
If Abraham refused, the author didn’t record it. Instead, the next morning he rose early, got everything ready, and left with two servant men and Isaac. Isaac was most likely a teenager.
When they got to the mountain, Abraham told the servants to stay where they were with the donkey they brought.
Abraham then gave the wood for the burnt offering to Isaac to carry, and they went on their way. While they were walking Isaac asked, “We have the fire and wood. Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
Abraham answered, “God will provide the lamb.”
They reached the place where God told Abraham to build the altar, and he built it. Abraham and Isaac still did not see the lamb for the sacrifice.
Once the altar and wood in place up, Abraham bound Isaac and put him on the altar. Isaac was not a child he could have fought back, but he trusted his father, just like his father trusted God.
Abraham then took the knife. He was ready to slay his beloved son, because God told him to.
A single moment before, the Angel of the Lord called out to him and told Abraham not to hurt Isaac. God saw his fear and faith, since he was going to give Isaac, his only son who he deeply loved, to God. Abraham was holding nothing back from God.
Abraham then looked up and saw a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. He went and got the ram. They offered the ram as a burnt offering instead of his son. Abraham then named the place, “The Lord will provide.”
The Angel of the Lord then called down to Abraham. He said, “This is what the Lord says ‘because you were going to do what I said and did not withhold your beloved son from me, I will bless you. I will multiply your descendants. Your descendants will be like the stars in the sky and the sand on the shores. They shall be a nation that blesses the world, because you have obeyed me.’”
Abraham and Isaac then returned to the servants and went back home.
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