Dreams Fighting Reality (poetry reading): A Throwback Post

Dreams Fighting Reality is a poem I wrote a while ago. I recorded it as a poetry reading back in 2014.

Dreams Fighting Reality

My dreams danced away together
from my very own reality.
Like ballerinas trapped within my mind
They danced away 
so I could not find the love I wanted;
The love I wished was mine.
Yes, my dreams slowly danced away
when reality told me
he was here to stay
But he seems to have strayed
because here comes my dreams
on this new day.
My dreams once again dance near by
as I force my reality to be mine.
Because this fight for what is right,
what is fair and what must be
has left a hole deep inside of me
so I fight to keep my dreams
and I fight to change my reality
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If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

Changing To A Dance: A Poem

Changing To A Dance a Poem
I'm changing this fight
into a dancce.
I will not war
not against my own life.
Instead the trumpets
will be the rhythm of my feet.
Turn the battle cries 
into songs of praise.
This will be a new day,
one with no more fighting
 not against my own life.
I'll allow the ebs and flows
to direct my dance,
know it's God's will.
I will follow.
I will go.
He leads, I follow,
without a fight,
just a dance.
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If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

The Sea Limerick: A Throwback Post

Here is an older poem of mine called The Sea Limerick. I do have another poem that is just called, The Sea. They are two completely different poems and I honestly didn’t realize that I named two poems basically the same thing until I was looking for videos to do Throwback posts for.

The Sea Limerick

I went to the sea to see you see.
Yet, I  could see nothing but the sea.
So I went to the shore
Just so I would be sure
That I could still see beyond the sea.

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The original post is still available to read, along with other poems of mine. If you would like to watch more poetry readings I do also have a YouTube Playlist for that.

Count The Rhymes

Count The Rhymes A Poem
One, Two, Three, Four
Where is the open door?
Is there an opportunity for me?
Am I walking closer to you?
Are all the right things done?

Four, Three, Two, One
The race will be won.
As I draw close to you my spirit flew
each opportunity will set me free
to follow the one I adore.
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If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

My October 2020’s Monthly Update

Every month I do these quick update videos on my YouTube channel. They are my version of video newsletters.

They are focused specifically on my art business, which includes both my visual art and writing. I do sometimes add personal life updates since they may affect my business.

I will be starting to add them here, on my site, so that it is easy for all to access them. Starting next month the updates will post here a bit earlier in the month. However, you can always get notified of them if you subscribe to my channel.

My October 2020 Monthly Update

Life Is (A Poem)

Life is a poem
Life is a dance,
swirling and twirling
moving all around.

Life is a journey, 
learning and growing
moving all around.

Life is a battle,
striving and fighting
moving all around.

Life is always changing 
as we dane on journey on
fighting our battles as we stand our grounds.
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If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

Here I stand (An Original monologue)

Here I stand is an original monologue I wrote in 2014. I noticed a few months ago it wasn’t on this site, so here it is.

Here I stand: Monologue

Here I stand. I am standing on my own two feet, wishing that they were not attached, so that I could move around and see exactly where I am standing. Where am I standing? What am I doing and why am I staying?

Still at least I’m standing on my own two feet, right? And I have the world ahead of me. I am making it on my own. Yes, I am doing my own thing living this adult life. Still I have questions and I never know if I’m doing everything right.

Most days, actually, I know I’ve done at least one thing wrong. But I’m making it on my own. Living my own adult life, alone. Yes, I am standing on my own two feet, but you know what sometimes I wish I wasn’t. I wish that there was some sort of clear arrow pointing me one way or the other. But, I guess the adult life doesn’t entirely work that way. So, here I stand. I am standing on my own two feet.

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I do have a playlist of my acting videos on Youtube and a playlist for my writings. If you would like to read more monologues that I wrote there is a section on this site for that too.

Egg (A Poem)

Egg (A Poem) image
I'm boiled and bruised
Just like you.
No longer liquid inside
Life has cooked me,
There was no place to hide.
I was heated on all sides,
Break down my walls,
my outer self.
I'm ready to be consumed.
Let my life nurish your body.

Egg is a short poem that relates me to a hard-boiled egg. It is meant to be both fun and moving. I enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoy reading it.

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If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

Come Easy (A Poem)

Come Easy (a poome)
Come easy please
with no pain or alarm.
Be at peace when you come,
a hopeful meoldy
one filled with joy.
Come to me easy please
with no struggle or strife.
Calmly enter
and be with me.
It's all I want
all I desire.
Come easy please.

Come Easy is a poem about how I would like things to come easy to me. This can relate to both successes in my art business and love life.

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If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.