DreamWard Bound: now with a plan

I am sure that if you read my blog you have noticed 1. I’m a dreamer and 2. I have not been totally sure what I am doing or know what steps I should take to achieve my dreams. I really felt it this week. I kept asking myself what was I do? What is really going on in my life? Two things helped me not to freak out one was a reminder from a youtube video, the other was a reminder from myself in the form of a old journal entries.  In the video Felicia Day talked about writing but really any dream/ creative talent. Creativity takes practice. The old journal entries simply reminded me of who I was and how far I came (which will be another blog).

With these reminders on my mind today,I spent the day focused on figuring how what success means to me, what dreams I want to make reality, and what I want my future to be. I did this by going through Donna Partow’s “21 Quick And Easy Ways To Make A Real Change In Your Life.” It is a short little 7 step e-book that use to be for free on her site. I believe that offer is over and she took the book down. It is a good simple book that can be a useful start.

By writing out my current goals and planing my daily schedule around it. I should have more interesting blogs to post and more writing to share with you as the days and weeks go by. First thing is first; what are my goals.

1.) I am going to read more than I watch television by reading a chapter in my Bible once a day and by reading at least a page in another book. For every chapter of the Bible I read and every page I read in my other book I will be rewarded with 10 minutes of television, with the exception of comic book, that ratio is 1 page = 1 minute.

2.) I am going to fit into my plaid pants by working out 15 minutes a day and 1 hour on Saturdays over the next 60 days. My reward will be a new outfit. – I want to draw attention to the fact that I am not trying to lose weight, simply trying to get into a healthier shape.

3.) I am going to strengthen my creativity by either writing or practicing a monologue for 10 minutes a day. After 2 months of doing this daily with 3 exceptions/ sick-days I will reward myself with a new video camera or editing software.

4.) I am going to post at least one video and one blog a week onto the internet (more specifically this blog) for accountability, feedback, tracking goals and growth and to find support that I other wise may not have found. Every 6 months of  posting 1 video and 1 post, so that it adds up to be 45 posts I will reward myself with a weekend free of responsibilities.

5.) I am going to finish the 2nd draft of my novel in 1 year (May 3, 2015) by working on it for 2 hrs a week. I will reward myself with a party with my friends.


I have plans, tracking tools, negative consequences if I don’t meet my goals, and other information that I won’t bore you with. I do not think you would enjoy reading more lists (if you do let me know . I will share). I also plan on doing a video tomorrow to go along with this post. We shall see how that turns out. I may decide just to paint instead. Either way stay tuned for a video tomorrow.

DreamWard Bound (4/20-4/27/14)

This week’s update is late. This week’s update is short. If I was not tired this week’s update would also be clever.

It has been a long week. I drove Kateland to meet up with Zach Deputy, so that she could go on tour with him.  I actually had to check in order to make sure that it had only been a week. I was right, that happened this week. We had dinner with Zach, which was a great time. I got see what a cool guy he is and he made one comment that really was great. He said that he made and created his music to get that played in his head out. This is why I right and paint. It was amazing to hear someone else having a similar brain to me. I write and paint because if I did not I would have so many stories floating around in my head I would not know what to do.

Most of my week was the same old same old. I did write a poem on Tuesday called Black Winged Guardian, since it was floating around in my head for a day.

The only other thing that was taking a step towards my dreams was that I have decided to research acting classes. I started today looking today. I have found improv classes (which won’t work, since I am already in an improv group) and a workshop (which won’t work because I want to do it to grow a muscle. I know how to use the acting muscle… my muscle is just weak and unused.) I may wind up simply doing more acting videos. We shall see what happens.


Have a good week and I shall write again… at some point


4/6/14-4/13/14 (DreamWard Bound)

I started my new job this week. I went in bright and early on Monday and then even earlier every other day. I did my training and went through Human Resources things. By the end of the week I was actually working on a few real sites. You see my not lame day job, that I mentioned in last week’s DreamWard Bound post, is that I’m an ethical hacker. I will be working on client’s sites to find their weaknesses, so that the bad guys can’t. It is technically called web security, but ethical hacker sounds much cooler.

Since most of my time, energy, and brain power went to just surviving the first week of waking up early, and working 8 hrs a day, I do not have an art updates. This post is the closest thing to writing I have done all week, which actually brings me to my first realization. I need to do something art based every week. I was so wiped by the time the week ended and it took me until today, Sunday, to realize how drained I was. You see, art is how I charge my brain’s battery. I turn off reality while I create. I turn off what is going on in my life. I turn off myself. I step outside of who I am to create and in creating I learn either more about God or more about myself, some how. This may not make sense, but art doesn’t always make sense. Just know that art is a release and I now know that I 100% need that release in my daily life, or at least in my weekly schedule.

Another thing I learned, well kind of learned or rather something I want to make sure you know. The web security industry is awesome. What I have seem of it, is super cool. Most of my co-workers are nice people who want to help. Some have felt the sting of being on the outside of society (ie they’re nerds). Others are what society would call normal, or at least can fake normalcy for the most part. What it comes down to is that I know work with nerds, geeks, and just smart guys, who are real. The entire company seems to be made up of normal people working comfortably. Even the upper managers are just normal people, working in a company that promotes openness and a relaxed yet productive culture. In other words I work at an awesome tech company, that is like the tech companies you may hear about.

Now, I may be working a day job to support my passions, but my friend/ roommate will not be. I am sure I mentioned Kateland before. I may have only mentioned her blog. Any ways I am super excited for her, because we are both focused on our dreams right now and she is taking a giant step towards her dreams. She will be working with a musician for the next month or so. She is going to travel with him and sell his merchandise, which will help her experience tour life, network with people, and be around the music she loves. She has a passion for music and this job will surround her in music. I am very excited for her and happy that she will be able to have a taste of her dreams. I have been telling everyone I can, because this will affect my life, also. I will be watching and learning from her experience.

I believe that is all that went on this week. I hope to post more about my art in the coming week, but for now it’s all about my not lame day job.



3/28 to 4/4 (DreamWard Bound)

It amazes me at all that is happening in my life right now. It may seem small to an outsider, but it is changing me. I am feeling more confident with the direction of my life.

One of the small things was that I saw a friend’s premier film (Redux). You see this film is his first major film and I was blown away with it. If last week’s mishaps taught me to guard myself and that untalented script writers are out there, this week taught me that there is talent and trustworthy people filming movies. I already knew that my friend was good at filming and that he was a good person. Seeing his movie taught me that talent, skill and being a trustworthy person does not come with age, but hard work and a mind that wants to learn.

Another thing that happened this week was that I declined a day job, because I was offered a better one.  After three months of not working and trying to figure out life this was a major relief.  Being able to pick between two jobs is new to me, but it was an easy choice. I chose the one where I will be able to fund my art, work with friends, and have a cool job.  The other awesome thing with this is that I will be starting Monday.

I am doing this recap of my week in chronological order, so this is not bigger than my job. It just happened later in the week. I went to two music shows this week. I saw Beats Antique and Emancipator.  They both were awesome shows and I found a new band to follow (Slow Magic). Beats Antique was my favorite out of the two. I enjoyed Emancipator’s show it was simply Beats Antique was theatrical, amazing and awesome.  It was a stunning show that I was not expecting.

I also started to record readings of my poems. I hope to have all my poems recorded in the future.

This post may not seem focused towards living my dream or trying to but trust me it is to me.  You see watching Redux showed me I can be who I am in the film industry and have my films mean something. Getting a job will be a step to funding the films I want to make. Going to a show inspired me to be my type of artist and allowed me to release emotions in a different way. Also, going with my friend, Kateland, taught me a little more about being friendly and at least trying to be extroverted at times, which is needed in networking. And recording my poems, well that’s just another way to get my name out there.

Now, things I learned this week is:

  1. There is good film makers around
  2. I may have to have a non-art job, but that does not mean it has to be a lame non-art job.
  3. People like nice people and I can show them I am a nice person… I can actually talk to strangers, even though I may not like to.


3/20 to 3/27 (dreamward bound)



This past week jumbled me up, twisted my insides and spat me out more determined to succeed in my life. After months of job searching I thought my search was over last weekend and I thought that my dreams were coming true. I thought a lot of things that wound up draining me and stressing me out.

I was offered a producing job with an indie film company. I allowed my excitement flow out and did not stop to think about if it was the right match for me. They seemed like great people and wanted to help me reach my career goals. I trusted them without hesitation and it was only after the excitement wore off that I realized that, although they said they did not judge they did. They wanted to change me into what they thought was best. I do not fit into their art scene and do not believe in their project, so I had to end my interactions with them. I had to go back on my word, which I did not want to do.

That being said, I learned a lot through this crash course. The biggest thing I learned is that I have to speak up and be confident. I know who I am, what I know and where I want to go. I do not want to hide who I am just for false success, because even if I was able to make it as an actor/ producer with them, it would not be true success. If I was to work with them I would have to change who I was or lie about myself. Although, I still have a long way to go to succeed in my career I have come too far in becoming who I am to lose myself to people who I just met.

Another thing I learned was that sometimes it is more courageous to take a step back than to keep going forward. I could have gone and worked with these people. I could have allowed them into my life and teach me everything they know. I could have jumped into my dreams, but I didn’t. I took a step back and trusted that there are people out there that see me as a great person, exactly how I am. I trusted that God had a better, more stable plan for me. Yesterday I was given a stable job at a photo lab, no it’s not my dream job, but it is a paycheck. I also have a great idea for an easy first film that I will write and produce myself with my friends.

I also realized after that I accepted the job without knowing anything about them. When they said they were in “this” business for a life time, they meant art not film. They were only starting in on the film business. I also did not read the script, which I realized lacked in personality. These mistakes I made, made me learn that accepting a job with out knowing all the facts is the greatest mistake I could have made. Now that I know that I will not be making that mistake again.

To summarize this whole thing I wrote a list of the things I learned:

  1. I am very trusting and open.
  2. I need to make sure I am 100% and read the script before accepting any job.
  3. Following my heart may be hard but it is necessary .
  4. I have a great support system.
  5. Being brave and courageous isn’t always taking a step forward; sometimes it’s staying still and letting a taxi go by because you know there is a limo.

No Mold

Oh sad and crumpling world

where the non-judgmental judge,

where those who fight for the future

live in the past,

and where beauty is

as fragile as a single word.


What a poor pitiful world

where beauty and art

can only be seen striped of dignity,

where nonconformist conforms,

and integrity is torn from away from morals.


What a sad, sad world

where one shouts, “Be who you are,”

as they push you into a mold.

Can you not see my beauty?

do you not understand my soul?

I am not simply a body.

I do not need your mold.


Yes, what a sad, pitiful, crumpling world.

It is a world that breaks my very being,

so I will walk away.

I will continue to stand where others will fall.

I will see the beauty in dignity,

art in the unmodified,

and be at peace,

because I do not judge those who judge

do not condemn those who condemn

and love all.








Dreamward bound

I always day-dream, dream and wish to have my art be my career. I have taken steps to do so in my writing and painting, but it seems harder for my acting. I love entertaining people, just as much as I love writing and painting, but acting takes more people to pull off. I mean I have tried to do a show by myself (In My Mind {a note about In My Mind: it was supposed to ridiculous and bad comedy.}), but that did not really work. 

(Note: In My Mind was removed from YouTube due to my change in focus)

I am hoping to find auditions, but it seems like I don’t know where to look, so I have decided to write to talent agencies, with a  “let’s see what happens” attitude. My first letter that I emailed out is below.

Dear Talent Agency,

I am an actor, author, and artist looking for work as a background actor or small role acting roles in either commercials or television. I found your agency while researching local casting calls and talent agencies. I am serious about living my life and part of that is becoming a full-time actor. My hopes in contacting you is that you see my passion, dedication, and determination towards acting, and agree to discuss representing me.

My fast details:

Name, Age: Tiffany Joy
Height, Measurements, Sizes: 5’7″, 160 lbs, 34D size 10 dress/ 12 pants.
Hair & Eye color: blonde hair, blue eyes
Phone number & Address:************

I am trying to make acting my main career and will take any size role, because I understand that I have a long way to go. I grew up in the theater since I was 5 years old and now hold a Bachelor’s in Theater and Dance with a concentration in Acting/ Directing, so I comprehend the difficulties of the entertainment business. I have filled almost every role there is to fill in the theater including stage manager, director, scene shop technician, technical director and many more roles. Since graduating high school, I have tried to stray away from acting, but nothing makes me happier than acting. Now I give up trying to stay away and would like to act on film.

I was first trained in dance, starting when I was 5 years old. Once I turned 10 years old I started to act in musicals. In high school I formed and helped run my school’s drama club, while acting in the short plays. In college I tried my hand as a technician, but majored in acting. During this long training process I wound up being in 24 musicals, 4 plays, 2 cabarets, and an extra in 1 film. I am also involved with an improvisational group, which meets weekly.

I have attached my acting resume, 2 head-shots, and a full body shot to this email. However, you can also see examples of my work, including my other art forms, at tiffanyjoy.net. If you have any questions, please, email me at tiffany@tiffanyjoy.net or call me at *******. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Tiffany Joy.



What do you think? Would you consider representing me if you were an agent?

More for sale

I feel like lately I’ve only been posting about my painting and most of you started to follow my blog while I posted my poems. I will be getting back into the rhythm of writing poetry soon, hopefully this week. That being said I have been focused on painting more lately and some have started following this blog after I posted my art. Here is what I’ve been working on and posted on eBay this week.

I added to my Dance On The Moon painting to give it more depth and character. This is a 20 inch by 16 inch acrylic painting on canvas.

dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 006

All other paintings this week are artist trading cards which are 2.5 inch by 3.5 inch and are reinforced card stock (so 2 ply card stock) acrylic paintings.

The first group is in my series Cross, which are simply crosses done on different backgrounds with different textures of the cross. Each on is unique just like each person’s struggles and reasons to go to the cross are unique.

ImageImageACEOs 025


The next card is an abstract pumpkin that was just fun and festive to do

ACEOs 013

We now come to my latest series called What’s your heart? This series highlights and celebrates each person’s heart and background. We are all different with different lives to live and different ways we show are love. So what’s your heart?

 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 020 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 028 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 029 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 032 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 035


I finished two paintings this week, both were California landscapes. 

The first I entitled Tree Along The Path

Tree Along the Path

Tree Along The Path is an original acrylic painting, done on canvas. It is ten (10) inches wide and eight (8) inches tall. This work of art was completed on September 28th 2013 and is signed by the artist.


The subject of the painting is a tree that can be found on West Cliff drive in Santa Cruz, California.




The other I am calling Sunset Beach


 Sunset BeachThis painting is of a beach while the sun is slowly setting to the left. The main focus is the beautiful cliffs that jet out onto the beach with an opening for the visitors to enjoy the other section of the beach. Sunset Beach was created using a photograph as a tool to capture the landscape of the beach. It is painting on a 10 inch wide by 8 inch tall canvas with acrylic paint.




Both paintings are being auctioned on eBay.


My paintings

Hello followers.

I believe I mentioned this before but I am starting to sell my paintings on eBay. I will also be selling  Jewelry on eBay also. Today I have posted these 7 items

.split flower dance on the moon two paths solo treevirtuous womanbulb glass beadsingle bead bracelet

Please, take a look and check out the auctions for these handmade one of a kind pieces and please, let me know what you think.  Just follow this link.

Thank you.