I can’t believe this is my 500th post. It started in 2012 and has morphed as my life changed. At some points, I was writing up storms. In 2014 I wrote 107 posts, and in 2015 I wrote188 posts. However, most years ranged from 6 to 75 posts in a year. It all depended on what was going on in my life.
My first Series
My first post was “The Start With The Best Project.” I was going to use my blog to review the 328 best movies. I had the list and was going to watch each one, then write reviews. That was going to be my blog. I should say that was the first plan for the first 6 years. Yes, I would post different things, but for 6 years I would review movies.
I wrote 2 reviews in “The Start With The Best Project” before I added “Story Time With Pink-Sunshine.” This was going to be a short story series that fictionalized my adventures of moving to California with my friends. It would be a fun way to dive into a big important project but still have small shareable writings regularly.
“The Start With The Best Project” lasted about a month before I got distracted with other writings. “Story Time With Pink-Sunshine,” only had 2 posts. I then posted poetry, which I still do post regularly. Life updates, random ramblings, and visual art pieces soon followed.
DreamWard Bound
In 2014, I started my blog series “DreamWard Bound,” which ran until 2019. It first focused on my desire to work in the entertainment industry as an actor or producer. It morphed into how I was becoming an artist and writer. No matter what “DreamWard Bound” was about me reaching for my dreams and working to become a full time creative.
Over the years and Now-a-days
Over the years I wrote short stories, more poetry, reviews, life updates, visual art write-ups, and a few other non-fiction blog series. One thing remained consistent throughout the years and with each post. This site is a place where I share my creativity with the world. In reviewing my older posts, I am seeing just how diverse my writing has been.
One thing that has been pretty constant is my poetry. Poetry is something that I typically need to write to express something or sort through some feelings. It is something that just comes out of me, and I haven’t realized it until recently. However, it has always been true. At least it has been true for as long as I have written this blog.
Thank you for reading my 500th post and stay tuned for the next 500.
Oh and if you want to see what I’ve done outside of this site check out my YouTube channel or Instagram account.