Flowers And Hearts Portrait; My Happy Painting

 Flower and Hearts Portrait

Title: Flowers and Hearts Portrait

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Size: 8 inches by 10 inches

Year Painted: 2020

The Write Up

My “Flowers and Hearts Portrait” painting started out as the actor Zachary Levi but then I got the nose wrong and the painting went a different direction. It was fun to paint and when I didn’t like how a few areas came out I just added some happy little flowers and hearts to make it a complete painting.

For Sale:

Price for the public: $74.25

Patreon (for scones and above): $54

For more information email

Want More?

This painting is available on my etsy store along with a few other acrylic paintings and a few digital drawings prints.

Also, On YouTube, I do have a playlist dedicated for sped up paintings. I also have a section on this site where I share my visual arts portfolio along with my painting portfolio.