At the Windmill (a poem)

poetryThere is a little cafe near my house that I believe I am becoming a regular at. Today I went by myself and had breakfast. I decided to write a little as I waited. This is one of the poems I wrote while enjoying their food. It really is a great place.

With painted wall,

warm and inviting

art hangs welcoming guest

saying be who you are

do what you will

and enjoy the good that is served


With the sky on the ceiling

bright and pleasing

curtains hang to welcome guest

saying come near or far

do what you will

and enjoy the food that is served


So I write and dream

sitting in the corner so I can watch

the couples eat

The students study

and an other lone female reading the paper

I sit, watch and writing

doing what I will

and enjoying the food that is served.

Change (A free styling poem)


Where are the people like me?
Who can just sit and be
Where are the people who want to change the world
with their words and their actions?
I ask and I search
for I need to learn how.

How do I stand when I want to shrink?
How do I stare down problems instead of blink?
Where are the people who want to change the world
with their words and their actions?
One day I will know I will know
I just need to breath and take steps.

Does this search make me weak?
Because it is strength that I seek?
No, I am searching for the people
that want to change the world
with their words and their actions?
I’m searching for knowledge
and I’m looking for change

So I just found a few poets on YouTube that talked straight from the heart. The channels I found them on were Button Poetry and Poet nation. I was moved and wanted to write. I just reread this poem and it seems like their voices bled through.

What do you think? Let me know and thank you for reading.

Art (a Nonet poem )



A nonet has nine lines. The first line has nine syllables, the second line eight syllables, the third line seven syllables, etc… until line nine finishes with one syllable. It can be on any subject and rhyming is optional.

line 1 – 9 syllables
line 2 – 8 syllables
line 3 – 7 syllables
line 4 – 6 syllables
line 5 – 5 syllables
line 6 – 4 syllables
line 7 – 3 syllables
line 8 – 2 syllables
line 9 – 1 syllables


Why must I do this thing I called art?
Is there a stop once you start?
I think the answer is no
like love it for sure grows
with no stopping point
which brings joy
Love is art?

I liked doing this type. I found a syllable counter. Once I had that tool it was really fun to create a count-down poem. 

Let me know what you think and if you like it click the like button and I’ll do a poetry reading of it. 

Also THANK YOU for reading my blog.

Where Magic May Grow (Kyrielle Sonnet)


Kyrielle Sonnet

A Kyrielle Sonnet consists of 14 lines (three rhyming quatrain stanzas and a non-rhyming couplet). Just like the traditional Kyrielle poem, the Kyrielle Sonnet also has a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza). Each line within the Kyrielle Sonnet consists of only eight syllables. French poetry forms have a tendency to link back to the beginning of the poem, so common practice is to use the first and last line of the first quatrain as the ending couplet. This would also re-enforce the refrain within the poem. Therefore, a good rhyming scheme for a Kyrielle Sonnet would be:

AabB, ccbB, ddbB, AB -or- AbaB, cbcB, dbdB, AB.

Can I fly over the green trees?
Can I swim pass the open seas
To a land I do not yet know
Where magic may live and may grow.

What wonders and what sounds may be sung?
What treasures and gems may be flung
on the land where I want to go?
Where magic may live and may grow.

Will you take me some where magical?
Can we try to be radical
living where music freely flows
Where magic may live and may grow.

Can I fly over the green trees
Where magic may live and may grow.

DreamWard Bound (5/18-5/24/14)



I’m going to try something new this week. Instead of trying to think of my entire week all at once, I have taken notes and editing them together. My thinking is that you will get a more detailed and dynamic post.

On Monday I finished reading the shooting script of “When Harry Met Sally.” It was really great and I loved being able to see what a real movie script looks like. I have read a lot of play scripts and my brother-in-law’s script, “Empty.” This was one that I already knew the movie to and read because of that fact. It was a great read and I could see the writer’s voice, even in the shot set ups which I really enjoyed.

I also wrote on Monday, “I am excited about picking and working on my next monologue/ stated song.” And that “I will also be starting a new challenge and facing my fears more… With the exception of escalators and birds, because come on stairs should not move and birds are evil.” As far as facing my fears goes, I did not see any fears to face. I will be keeping this fear facing in mind as I go on with my life though.

Well as you can see from the video I did work on the monologue all week. I most likely should have worked on it more, but this is a process of growth. Not Every video will be amazing. I just hope you like one or two that I do.

I also spent Monday looking for and organizing more monologue/ songs.

On Tuesday I walked around my work with some co-workers for 15 minutes. I did not do anything creative, but since I spent all night on Monday working on my monologue I was not too worried or upset.

On Wednesday I went walked again for another 15 minutes, wrote for about 10 (most likely more) and went to an open house, that ended poorly. Another thing is that I read for most of the car ride to work and part of the way home also. That was the day I started to read Self-Editing For Fiction Writer, which is the book I mentioned in  In The Diner. 

Thursday  I wrote, “I love when monologues come together and you make discoveries. I also think I figured out how to introduce the video.”

Friday I spent the night in, which let me write, work on my monologue and relax.

I’m writing this on Saturday, even though you most likely are reading it on Sunday. I would rather spread out my posts, so that they don’t get lost in your reader, twitter feed, or FB news feed. Also, I do not like getting a bunch of notices/ tweets from the same person all at once, so I won’t do that to you.

Now as far as today goes I walked for a little over half an hour, which meant I walked for 2 miles. I also weighed myself and am down about 2 lbs, which is mostly due to not eating candy or chips at work and walking a little every day. I also posted my weekly video, wrote this post, and read a bunch in my Bible.

After all that is said and written, the real question is what shall I do now?


I dream with my mind open

and my eyes shut

I dream without reality,

where anything is possible.

Yes, I dream wonderful dreams

where children run happy

parents are always pleasant

and love fills the air.


I dream with my mind open

and my eyes closed.

I dream the impossible dream.

I dream of you holding me close

hugging me and telling me everything will be alright.

I dream of hearing everything I want to hear

and laughing without end.


I dream with my mind open

and my eyes closed.

I dream of simple dreams

of walking with friends.

I dream complex dreams

of walking in friendship.


So many things I dream,

so many things,

but I dream dreams that will fade.