3/20 to 3/27 (dreamward bound)



This past week jumbled me up, twisted my insides and spat me out more determined to succeed in my life. After months of job searching I thought my search was over last weekend and I thought that my dreams were coming true. I thought a lot of things that wound up draining me and stressing me out.

I was offered a producing job with an indie film company. I allowed my excitement flow out and did not stop to think about if it was the right match for me. They seemed like great people and wanted to help me reach my career goals. I trusted them without hesitation and it was only after the excitement wore off that I realized that, although they said they did not judge they did. They wanted to change me into what they thought was best. I do not fit into their art scene and do not believe in their project, so I had to end my interactions with them. I had to go back on my word, which I did not want to do.

That being said, I learned a lot through this crash course. The biggest thing I learned is that I have to speak up and be confident. I know who I am, what I know and where I want to go. I do not want to hide who I am just for false success, because even if I was able to make it as an actor/ producer with them, it would not be true success. If I was to work with them I would have to change who I was or lie about myself. Although, I still have a long way to go to succeed in my career I have come too far in becoming who I am to lose myself to people who I just met.

Another thing I learned was that sometimes it is more courageous to take a step back than to keep going forward. I could have gone and worked with these people. I could have allowed them into my life and teach me everything they know. I could have jumped into my dreams, but I didn’t. I took a step back and trusted that there are people out there that see me as a great person, exactly how I am. I trusted that God had a better, more stable plan for me. Yesterday I was given a stable job at a photo lab, no it’s not my dream job, but it is a paycheck. I also have a great idea for an easy first film that I will write and produce myself with my friends.

I also realized after that I accepted the job without knowing anything about them. When they said they were in “this” business for a life time, they meant art not film. They were only starting in on the film business. I also did not read the script, which I realized lacked in personality. These mistakes I made, made me learn that accepting a job with out knowing all the facts is the greatest mistake I could have made. Now that I know that I will not be making that mistake again.

To summarize this whole thing I wrote a list of the things I learned:

  1. I am very trusting and open.
  2. I need to make sure I am 100% and read the script before accepting any job.
  3. Following my heart may be hard but it is necessary .
  4. I have a great support system.
  5. Being brave and courageous isn’t always taking a step forward; sometimes it’s staying still and letting a taxi go by because you know there is a limo.

Sunshine and rain

I woke early to a new day,
woke with an odd thought in my head,
woke with the idea of you close by.
Yes, I woke believing you were near,
but as my eyes opened
the dream faded
and I was alone with my pillows.
I was only sleeping in my bed.

Still this made me wonder
made me think,
made me ask
do you believe in me?
Do you look at the grey and cold sky
and see the sunshine?
Do you stand in the rain
and know the sun is out?
In your night can you feel my day?

You may be as far as the moon is from the sun
but there is still a moon
and I still see the sun.
In the storm and the rain,
I will see sunshine.
I will stay awake at night,
so that I can feel your day.

The world and my path (a poem)

In the noise of the world

how do you quiet your soul

to listen to where you belong

to what you need?

With the world whirling around you

how do you stand still

to see your path

to trust your feet?

When the world whirls and shouts to conform

how do you stand apart,

how do you go down a path less traveled?


Be silent and I will tell you,

because every life has a quiet spot,

amidst every storm there is a tree to hold on to.

And you trust your feet

when you hold the hand of another who believes

in the path you walk down

in the life you live.


You see life is loud

but you can find quiet.

Life is a storm

but there is sunshine.

And living life is a journey

but worth it.


My heart starts wandering.
My head is never clear.
I turn to find myself,
then turn to find a ring.
I think I have lost you,
yet you whisper ‘I am always near.’

My soul yearns to be with you.
My heart is never clear.
I wish to face your beauty
and know what to do.
Still I know you are never far;
yes you are always near.

My Tesitmony

I have not shared my testimony/ story in a while so I figured I would share it with everyone.

I grew up in a small town with a rather large family, which included 3 sisters and 4 step-siblings. I would only see my father on the weekends and my relationship with him was not ideal.

After graduating high school I went to college 2 hours away. I felt what I thought was freedom. I could do pretty much anything and not fear my mother finding out. I still got good grades and still graduated on time, but I partied and stayed up till all hours of the night. Some nights the sun would rise before I left my friend’s house.

Like I said I graduated on time from college and then the question was raised, ‘Now what?’ I decided to go to California with a group of friends. We wanted to live the Californian life. We wanted to own a night club, computer business, and whatever else seemed like fun.

We drove for six days to get to our new home that just fell into our laps. It was a great big house close to the ocean. Everything was looking good, for a time.

Of course, it was not long before things went down hill. Our friend that we moved out there for found himself needing to move to New York, very badly and within a month of the move he went to live with his parents. The five that moved out there were now on our own. We did not have jobs or friends out there. We only had the four bedroom house.

Things started to get rough and we started to fight with each other. At one point my friend, Ryan threatened to move out. He did not actually move out but we all were not happy campers.

Someone one day came up with the idea of studying all the different religions to find the one main truth. We
figured there must be a through line in all the religions. It’s not like we thought knowing the different religions would help, we were more curious. We assigned the different religions among our group. However, the only person that actually looked into his assigned religion was, Justin, who chose Christianity/ the Bible, since he already had one from his grandmother.

One or two others in the group talked with Justin about God before my encounter with God. The time line gets a little blurry because once God came into our group He came rushing in. The time in between each of us accepting God and the Bible to be true was no more than two months, maybe even shorter. That is five friends in two months.

Each one of us had a very clear moment when God came into our hearts. Notice I do not say, ‘When I found Jesus.’ I did not find Jesus, I did not find God. I was not looking for God or Jesus. I did not want that boring religion filled with self-sacrifice and rituals to be true. Thankfully God is not a god of religion or rituals. He is the God and so much more than anything we can fully understand.

He found his way into my heart one day as I was meditating on the cliffs in Santa Cruz, California. I did not think I was praying and did not bring anything. I had taken the walk with my friend and roommate Marc, who had brought Justin’s Bible (the only Bible in the house). After I asked the universe to send me a sign about what is true, something like a small voice in the back of my soul told me, ‘Pick up the Bible.’ I stood walked over to Marc and asked him to see the Bible that was next to him. He handed it to me or I picked it up and walked back to my area.

I did not flip through the pages or pick a verse to read. I did not want this to be true. I let the wind blow the pages. When the wind died down enough for the pages to stop flapping, the Bible was about open about half way. My eyes did not fall on the first line of either page though. I remember it was about half way down the page that I started to read. I read the verse, “Oh, hear me Lord in my meditation and deliver me from the evil doers.” It was Psalm 64 in the New King James Bible. The Lord did hear me in my meditation. Than as I accepted the Bible to be true something like a light or breath or a new life came into. I could have ignored it and said that it was nothing, but it was something special. It was indeed a new life and it was because I was open to any idea, even the ones I did not want to be opened to.

Since that day I’ve taken leaps and bounds in my journey, but have fallen and slipped. I pray honestly, earnestly and full hearten at times, yet other times I hardly pray at all. My life is not prefect, actually it’s far from it, but it is a true and full life. I do not have a husband or stable career path. I am not saved from the dangers in the world, but I am alive and have a God who I can lean on. I do not know where my life is going. I only know the next step I need to take is because life is a journey filled with little steps and you may trip and stumble but God will catch you, all you need to do is trust in him.

If I could tell you one thing I’ve learned it’s just that; life is a journey filled with steps and the only way you can get to your destination, your destiny, is to trust is the Lord our God, who loves you and has saved the world. All you need to do is be open to his guidance and love.

Being led.

Calm the calamity in my mind,

Because I know you’re here.

And, I know I’m right.

This path may look

the wrong way,

seem to go no way,

a dead-end

or have a brick wall in the way.

Yet, this path is

the one I’m on,

the one you lead me down,

the right road for me,

so I will walk this path

that some think leads no where.

Because I know

I will get where I going

and know that I’m being led.

In the End

In the End

In the end

I may feel silly,

everything may be lost,

my heart may break.

In the end

it may not be worth it,

I may have to be a terrible cost,

my soul may bend.

In the end

I may wish

I never had this dream in mind.

I may want someone else to be mine.

In the end

this dream may die,

my world may change,

my heart may run away.

But in the end

my soul will not break,

my heart will mend,

and life will go on,

so I will try,

and I will struggle.

I will fight for this dream.

whether I win or lose

I will try so that

in the end

I can say

this was the best way,

this was my way,

my dream to live my life,

my life to work for my dreams.

In the end

my soul will not break,

my heart will mend,

and life will go on.

(Just a fast poem in the morning. Please let me know what you think)