This page is dedicated to Tiffany Joy’s full resume, with her acting experience, technical theater experience, and writing experience.
Author Experience
Books Authored
Garden Of Poems (2021) Poetry Book
To Love (2020) Memoir
Growing Poems: Second Edition (2016) Poetry Book
Growing poems (2013) Poetry Book
Blogs run
For the Joy of Tiff (started 2012)
The Salty Light Project (started 2013-2014)
Visual Art Experience
Digital Art for Prints (2017)
Acrylic Painting (2013)
Technical Directing
Christmas Carol with Ranee Csigay for Encore Repertory Theater in Woonsocket, RI (2012)
Little Mermaid Jr. with Alfred Fortier forEncore Repertory Theater in Woonsocket, RI (2012)
Spring Awakening with Alfred Fortier for Encore Repertory Theater in Woonsocket, RI (2012)
Foot Loose with Ashley Dougan for Encore Repertory Theater in Woonsocket, RI (2012)
The Full Monty with Alfred Fortier for Encore Repertory Theater in Woonsocket, RI (2012)
Light Designer
Honk with Heather Laforge for Christian Youth Theater, Santa Cruz,CA (2011)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Joe Quitsol for Montessori School Santa Cruz, CA (2011)
Solid Rock with Julie Kuo for SC Bible Church, Santa Cruz, CA (2011)
James and the Giant Peach with Joe Quitsol for Montessori School Santa Cruz, CA (2010)
The SlingShot Hear around the World with Julie Kuo for SC Bible Church, Santa Cruz, CA (2010)
3rd annual Cabaret for Keene State College Theater Department (2009)
2nd annual Cabaret for Keene State College Theater Department (2008)
Not Much of a Fairy Tale for Bristol county agricultural high school drama team (2005)
Mr. Scrooge’s Christmas for Bristol county agricultural high school drama team (2004)
The Swimmer for Bristol county agricultural high school drama team (2003)
Stage Manager
The Elves and the Shoemaker with Vivian Humphrey for Triboro Youth Theater, Attleboro, MA (2005)
Suessical: The Musical with Vivian Humphrey for Triboro Youth Theater, Attleboro, MA (2005)
Emperor’s New Clothes with Vivian Humphrey for Triboro Youth Theater, Attleboro, MA (2004)
Snoopy with Vivian Humphrey for Triboro Youth Theater, Attleboro, MA (2004)
Assistant Stage Manager
Fat Men in Skirts with Ron Spangler for KSC Theater Department, Keene, NH (2009)
Rimers of Eldritch with PeggyRae Johnson for KSC Theater Department, Keene, NH (2008)
Evening of Dance #33 with Marcia Murdock for KSC Theater Department, Keene, NH (2007)
Bye, Bye Birdie with Vivian Humphrey for Triboro Youth Theater, Attleboro, MA (2003)
Empty (background actor ) directed by Kevin Greenhill with Ducky Studios (2012)
Straight play actor
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress (Francis) directed by Chris Kelly For KSC Theater Department, Keene, NH (2009)
Not Much of a Fairy Tale (Aleera) directed by D. Coderre for BCAHS drama club, Dighton, MA (2005)
Mr. Scrooge’s Christmas (Marley) directed by D. Coderre for BCAHS drama club, Dighton, MA (2004)
The Swimmer (Swimmer) directed by D. Coderre for BCAHS drama club, Dighton, MA (2003)
Musical actor
(Unless noted all musical theater was directed by Vivian Humphrey for Triboro Youth Theater, Attleboro, MA)
Guys and Dolls (Nun) with Vivian Humphrey for Triboro Musical Theater, Attleboro, MA (2005)
Beauty and the Beast (Milk maid) (2005)
The Wiz (Emerald Citizen) (2004)
Once on this Island (Storyteller) (2003)
Annie (Maid) (2003)
Children of Eden (Storyteller) (2002)
The Music Man (Dancer) (2002)
Cinderella (Chorus) (2002)
Starmites (Banshee) (2001)
Just So (Queen Elephant) (2001)
Honk! (Pinkfoot) (2000)
The Pajama Game (Factory worker) (2000)
The Sound of Music (Nun) (1999)
Godspell (Believer) (1999)
South Pacific (Nurse ) (1998)
Oliver (Orphan) (1998)
Once of this Island (Storyteller) (1998)
Anything Goes (passenger) (1997)
Peter Pan (Lost Boy) (1997)
Willie Wonka (Chorus) (1997)
The Wiz (Chorus) (1996)
Narnia (Hag) (1996)
Jungle Book (Elephant) (1995)
Snow White (Lady in Waiting) (1995)
Other Performing Experience
KSC 3rd annual Cabaret (Poem Reading) Co-directed by: Michael Soldati for KSC Theater Department, Keene, NH (2009)
KSC 2nd annual Cabaret (poem reading) Directed by: Michael Soldati for KSC Theater Department, Keene, NH

Portfolios of my visual art can be found on my artist side of me page. I do also have a portfolio of my different writing examples.
For examples of my poetry readings, monologues, and other in front of the camera work please visit my YouTube Channel.