I battle with you
as if the war was needed;
as if I had no feet to stand on.
You tear me down
and I let you,
and I feel defeated.
You whisper awful thing
like I’m not really loved;
like I cannot stand on my own
My heart and happiness is real
but you tell me to ignore it;
but you tell I’m ignorant.
You know my every weakness
and you use it for my harm,
and you use it to keep me down.
But I am strong,
stronger than the war you wage
the defeat you push
the hateful whispers
and stronger than your lies.
I know if you were anyone else
I would push you away
spit in your face
or just turn my back.
If you were anyone else
I would be stronger,
but you are the little voice
the one the is buried deep
trying for weakness to keep.
I can not spit in your face
or turn my back.
I can not push you down
or choke you out.
Yet, there is this little box
it has a lock.
You little voice can go in that
and be buried very deep.
Where you say I’m a fatty
I choice to see a beauty.
Where you see hurt
I see my healing.
You see struggle as failure
I see it as a lesson.
Where you see loneliness
I see self-love.
So go in your little box
and I lock you up.
I will bury you deep
because your lies I don’t want to keep.