Although I do write non-fiction and articles I also write fictional short stories, poetry, monologues, and other creative writings. In this category, I will be sharing all of my different creative self writings.
Dreamward Bound was one of the first series started on here and it is the longest series. I have 90 posts in this series that range from 2014 to last month. Over the years it has morphed and grown along side me. The series has been filled with life updates, struggles, and insights to my creative life.
Dreamward Bound will always have a place in my heart. It is part of my life’s journey, but it has reached its end.
I am on Instagram and Twitter more often now. You can follow me those social media platforms and stay informed about my life there. I am also starting a monthly newsletter, which will be most like the early days of Dreamward Bound. The newsletter will have life updates and creative work updates, also.
In the coming months you will also see a few different blog series on this site. Each of the new series will have their own specific topic. They will be shorter series with the average being about a year long. The blog series will also be aimed towards helping the audience I am attempting to grow.
With this more focused and structured approach to my writing and art life I should gain more traction in my journey towards my dreams.
I grew with beliefs of giving; dreams will be given. A future worth living will be given. My faith and belief will be given. Who I am was already given.
My eyes opened from slumber and I realized I was sleeping, so I chose, worked, and took; I chose my dream, worked towards my future, took my beliefs and chose my faith. And I chose to work towards being me. No one gave me the identity I now hold. I chose it and stand firm in my changing self.
Title: Simple Rose Size: 5 x 7 inches Medium: Acrylic paint of canvas Finished Date: Finished 2014, gallery wrap 2017 Summary: As the title suggests this was a simple and quick rose. The main purpose of it was to experiment with painting a flower
Write Up:
This is one of my first canvas paintings. I was focused on technique, which is why it is so simple.
It is simple and singular, with only one red rose with a steam and two small leaves. The beauty is in its simplicity.
As you can see the background is blue and teal. It was created by a crisscross wet blended method. I had only done this technique on larger surface areas and I was pleased with how well it transferred to this smaller area.
The stem’s technique is a gradual shading using a pale green for where the light source hit and a more brown shade of green for the shadowed areas.
For the rose itself I used a crimson base with white for the light and purple for the shade.
For years I would look at this painting and wonder why it did not seem complete. I was at a loss about what was missing and how to improve the art piece. I wanted to keep it simple, but it needed something more. In 2017, I added the gallery wrap. Instead of blue or teal, which would have been in line with what a gallery wrap’s purpose is, I chose red. This small detail makes the painting look and feel complete. It is just enough contrast to give the simple painting another element.
The glass is half full because I’ve filled it. There is room for you. Fill it or drink the freshwater. I know how to pour into my own glass heart.
I’ll dust the melancholy off my heart, pull back the curtains of gloom to see the sun of joy is shining; open the windows of discontent welcoming the breeze of gratitude and fill my glass half full or more.
In November 2018 I started to do weekly vlogs. They are short unedited videos of how my week went, lessons I’m learning, or random ramblings. They are not planned out and are not high quality, but they are fun to do and hopefully helpful.
I started them, because I wanted to have a presence on youtube. I also wanted to get into the habit of publishing weekly videos.
One aspect of my dream/ ideal life is to be comfortable in front of the camera and to do promotional videos for my projects.
I had 2 options to make this aspect of my ideal life a reality.
The first was to wait until I had time to plan and edit videos. Time that may never come.
The second option was to make time and start where I was. I can start with what I can do now and grow on that.
One thing I’ve learned by going down the second path is that I have to fight with myself. Some weeks the video isn’t perfect. I’ve looked at the thumbnails and I’ve noticed the lighting isn’t great. Most weeks I also don’t like an aspect of my appearance or how I sound.
If I was doing this for the views or an outside factor I would have stopped after the first few videos.
The wonderful thing is that I’m not doing this for the views. This is something I’m doing for myself. It is practice and habit forming.
I have noticed that I’m frequently giving advice and sharing the life lessons I’m learning. It is turning into a verbal version of DreamWard Bound. I am okay with that and enjoying sharing what I’m learning. (I have found a passion for advice giving).
Here are a couple more videos for you to get an idea of what I’m talking about. I hope you enjoy.
Oh a poet’s heart can love a stranger from the start. She can dive deep or force her heart to leap. With one simple talk her heart can be shown to walk. Reality does not hold her down; not when love can be found all around.
In November 2017 I joined RedBubble. I started slow by only adding acrylic paintings that I already had good quality pictures of.
Blue Swirl Logo
In 2018, when I had my Surface Pro tablet I started to play around with digital art and posted fun pieces. The digital art really opened up my creativity, since I didn’t need to worry about clean up or materials that much.
The first 2 digital art characters I posted was the first version of my Hot-tea art piece and my happy mug character.
I also started to do art pieces focused on lettering, which combined my love for words with my love for visual art. My two favorites are my Bible Nerd piece and my Thespian piece.
You will be hearing more and more about my journey with RedBubble as I do plan to be promoting my portfolio and the products you can get my art printed on. I love the idea that you can wear my art or have it on a mug. There are also other products, like clocks and framed art prints.
Also, once To Love is published I will be adding a select number of illustrations from the book to be on RedBubble.
When I see you
I will know.
You’re face will light up
and I will glow.
Our broken pieces
will match together;
not the same,
but will act as a tether.
We will not be perfect
but our love will fit.
When we find each other
the flame of love will be lit
In 2018 I started to experiment with digital art and lettering.
Some digital art was abstract and simply me experimenting with this new media.
Other art pieces were fun cartoon characters that I created in order to sell prints on Redbubble.
Most of the lettering art work I’ve done this pass year was also for Redbubble prints.
Early in 2018 I also started working on the visual art for my upcoming book To Love.
Although I did not finish a single acrylic painting in 2018 I did work on a few and in general, it was a good year in my visual art life. This coming year is looking good for my creative life, also.