

I want to rush
buckle down
learn quickly,
move ahead fast,
never stopping
always hopping
never slowing
always going.
I want my days to turn to nights
and my nights to turn to extra days.
I want to skip all the steps
and get to the finish line.
Let me cross that line
let me get to where I am going
although I’m not sure where I am going.

I want to rush
skip ahead
read the last few pages
finish the ending scene,
watch the finale.
I want to stop working
stop living a life not meant for me
I want to rush ahead
to that day where this book
in the series of my life is over.
I want to skip ahead
to the to be continued screen,
wrapped in your arms – in your love.
I want to jump ahead to the end
where I am just being me
loving what I do.

Life doesn’t work that way
you cannot rush the days
and time already rushes to fade away.
Plus, the journey is
what makes the destination worth while.

Control of My Brain (creative ramblings)


I am in control of my brain. Yes, I am. I control what I think. Hey, did I just wink or was it just a one eye blink? Wait, no I was telling you how I control my brain. I control what I think and how my mind works. It works because I see a cat. He is a cute cat. Hey, no, brain, come on. I control you. Stop, serious, stop being distracted. Stop in the name of love, before you break my heart. Nope, I am not going start singing now, even though it’s fun to do. Well, it can be fun to do. Maybe I should just listen to music. Oh look, YouTube is up. I should check that out.

Come on brain. Focus! I am in control. I will not get distracted and will write about being in control. I will do it. I am in control of what I think and how my brain works.

There I did it. Now, brain you can you back to daydreaming and thinking about the sound a cat makes as he is playing with a toy.

Bubbling up


What joy is this;
What feeling of total bliss?
My excitement is bubbling up
I’m sorry but I just have to do it.
I have to shout out loud,
squeak and squawk.
There is no controlling
not this joy
not when a life was saved
and miracle was shown.

Can you contain a firework
after it explodes?
Can you hide the sun
once it rises?
Why than would you think,
could you believe,
that I could hide my thankful heart?

My heart is those fireworks
with the light of the sun
shining out my love.
The news of true life
sparked the explosion
and lit the happy fuse.

What is this joy?
Why am I in total bliss?
Because love came
and gave a miracle
by answering a prayer.

Bring Down The Storm (A Poem)


I am working,
working so hard
working all day
not sleeping at night
just to bring it down,
just to calm this storm.
If the storm calms,
if the winds die down
and the weather is at peace,
than we could get to a brighter side.
Don’t you want to get
to the brighter side
the happier tomorrow?
Don’t you want smiling faces
and joyful times all around?
You do, I know,
so I will keep working
working hard to bring down the storm,
to calm the winds,
and bring us to the brighter side.

This is another top search poem. I like doing them, but this week it seemed people were actually hitting real posts. Every top search was of a poem, story, or random post. This is the first top search poem I could actually do. The search was for, “I’m working so hard to bring down the storm so we could get to the brighter side”

If I see you (A Poem)


If you read this
I hope you know who you are.
If you know who you are
I hope you believe this.
If you believe this
I hope you read this through.

I want to tell you
my mind can get filled
with images of you,
hopes of the future,
fears kept by the past,
and memories of a different life.

My mind tells me things
about you
about me.
It shouts that when I see you,
if I see you,
when we are face to face
I will shout at you
yell hateful things
let you know where you stand
where my heart is.
My mind tells me
I hate you
I am angry towards you
you never deserved me.
Rage builds up so easily
like a red hot fire
that burns my soul.

My mind tells me things,
but I am not just a mind.
My heart also speaks.
She whispers, no.
I will hug you
and tell you you are my friend.
I have forgiven you
and I have forgiven me.
The hurt is only a memory.
My rage does not burn,
not in my heart.
I will pick up the pieces
of the friendship once lost
and show you that I see
how good friends we can be.

You see I have my life
and you have yours.
I once told you friends we’ll be
and I promise you in my heart
friends we will always be.
No matter what happens
or what the time may bring.
I promised you friends we are
and I really believe
we will be friends
now and forever.

So, if we meet again,
please know,
you are my friend
even if you have long let me go.

Timed (A Poem)



Time me as I tell a tale.
One that takes travelers
to towns untold of
or towers that torn down.
I will tell you timed tales
or tackle a tangled tango of words.
Only using ten tiny minutes of time
my timed tales or tangled tangos
should tell you of terrific feelings
or twist your tongue
till it is its own tangled tango.
Yes, I will tackle and taken down
this twisted tangled tango
and leave the telling of tall tales
to one with more time,
since I only will take ten to write.
Ten minutes to tangle up
Ten minutes to tear down the tango
and leave only a trace of the tale
of travelers taken to a town
or was it that they tackled down tall tower?
Tell me which tale did I tell
in the time before now?
Either way, we and tackling this twisted tango
at least our talented tongues can tackle
the twists and turns taken
with this tangled mess of twisted words
that would turn daytime into twilight
if you took the time to analyze.
For you see you would need
tons of twine to tie logic into this tango.
Simply put this is all but a timed tango
only to see how talented a twisted mind can be
when timed to write a tall tale using mostly T’s.

Come and See (A Poem)


Today, I could not think of anything to write, so I put my music on and then looked at my top searches. I read, “come and see what thy has done for me.” This is inspired by that search.

Come and see.
Come to see.
Please come and see
what he has done for me.
He has filled my heart
and gave me my soul.
Can you see?
He has done wondrous things for me.

Come and see;
please come to see
see the love,
see my heart,
see who I am.
He has given every thing to me.
Can you see?

What a blessing
and what great hope.
I hope you can see
the miracles that were
given to little ol’ me.
Can you see?

Please, come and see
all that was given to me
was given by He.
Can you see?

Magic Machine (A Poem)


I ride up into the sky
among the clouds they call fog,
watching the others disappear
into the mist,
into the darkness,
with the lights that shine from behind
being the only reminder of where they go.

I ride safe inside
my magic machine
that takes me far
over many lands
or close
where I can dream of far greater things.

Yes, I ride my magic machine into the sky.


My Future


I can see my future in gold, rising to platinum. I see the waves always at my door step, but never coming in. With peaceful chaos I live my perfectly crazy life, remembering to love and laugh even in the stressful hours, even when there is a storm outside. Because, there can be a hurricane outside, but my soul can find rest within the loving arms of the one who hung on the cross.

Yes I can see my future in gold, rising far above anything I have imagined. In my future I am draped with love and clothed with joy, wiping off fear and sorrow like mud that is flung. I know that all the pain, sorrow and fears that I may feel can be washed away and I will be made clean with love again.

I may not see my future with details and clarity, but I do see my future in gold and love.


This is another top search inspired writing thing. I really enjoyed a few of the top searches listed this past week, but was only able to jot them down as notes. The exact search was, “I can see my future in gold.”

Let me know what you think.

Blessed (A Poem)


I work all day
run errands on my free days
and I am blessed.
I see the benefits of my striving
I the fruits of my labor.

I walked down the warm beach
with the setting sun
giving off the warm happy light
telling every creature that they are loved.
I see animals playing
people loving
and families growing closer together.
I am blessed.

What did I do to earn
the beauty of the sun reflecting on the sea,
the warm crisp scene
being painted by the sun, sand and rocks
the smiling strangers who stay
and those who happily jog on by.
What could I have done
to see the sheer beauty of cliffs
as the sun turns the ordinary into a master piece
earth is a work of art
and so clearly seen
when the sun starts to hug the horizon
and glistens off the sea.
I am blessed.

I am so blessed
to be able to see
appreciating all the wonders around
and live in a world so beautiful
being able to feel warmth
and notice love.
I am so blessed
to be able to live my life.