Space-Rider #2 (Entering the Ship)



Otto, the captain, turned the corner with Zio close behind. He smiled at his new cargo ship before turning to the parking lot’s attendant to sign free is ship and pay the parking toll.

While Otto did this Zio stared at the ship with a puzzled look on his mechanical face.

When Otto turned his attention back to Zio and his ship he saw Zio’s confusion. “What?” Otto asked.

Zio answered with, “I am a mechanic and a doctor. I am not programmed to fix or maintain a tree.”

Otto paid little attention to Zio as he continued to walk, while he told him,“Alright, If I ever transport a tree I will not ask you to do anything to it.”

Zio still puzzled responded with, “ You are aware that your ship is a tree from the planet Calowixo?”

Now Otto was confused and stopped to tell his companion,“Zio, this is a ship, not a tree. I have flown it from Lardeth to here. Trees typically do not fly, since they must be rooted to the ground and are plant forms.”

“That is true with the exception of the Blurack tree that lived in Wid on Calowixo.” To Zio this was common knowledge. He had many employers who traveled to many different solar systems and many different galaxies. Zio never forgot any of the planets or stories he was told, so although he had never been to Calowixo, he knew stories of the great planet, since his first and second captains told it to him.

Being human, Otto had not gotten a chance to travel as much as Zio. He had not heard of Calowixo or JuJu596, which was the galaxy Calowixo belonged to. This being the case he stated, “I would believe you if I had ever heard of Calowixo. Now, if you are saying that you are unable to help me with my ship, you are freed from your duties.”

Zio sighed, he had been on the dusty planet, Kilo, for a full year now. He only sat and waited for a full year. His last captain had died on Kilo and when those who inherited the ship came, they did not need Zio. He wanted to be wanted and needed to work, so he told Otto, “I do not wished to be freed from my duties. I will join you. There is still a ship within the tree.”

Still not believing Zio’s claims that there was a planet called Calowixo Otto told him, “Right, we’ll be stopping at the next planet that has a doctor for droids.”

Both men started to walk towards the ship, again. Captain Otto touched his dark brown electronic forearm cuff to open the ship’s cargo ramp. The two men walked in and started the journey they did not know they were going on.

Space-Riders: Barroom findings(#1)

I have had this story in my mind for a while now. Since it is in fragments, in my mind, and more about the characters right now, I thought it would be cool if I simply wrote a short story series with them. This is the first Space-Riders (the title most likely will change).

Barroom Findings

The doors to a dusty old bar swung open and in walked a captain clothed in a beige suit with gold and silver buttons, along with gold and silver pins. He wore his wealth proudly as his identifier. He strolled up to the bartender and sat on an empty bar-stool, before telling the bartender, “I need a mechanic and doctor, for my ship.”

The bartender stared at him for a moment before asking,“Would you like them in the same body?”

“Yes, and I need it right away.”

The bartender nodded and waved over a man who had appeared to be sleeping while sitting at a table across the gray and dirty room. He stood and walked over to the bar, as he placed his old brown Stetson on his head. The captain nodded at the man and then asked the bartender, “How much for him?”

“Under the inter-planet law for conscious technology, I can not accept payment for him. He is to be paid humane wages.”

The captain nodded and looked at the man standing next to him, “What are you?”

“I am a Trion 5,963.02 model of a doctor and a Xera 99×21.9 model of a ship mechanic, with Zio 9.09z software for spaceship technology.”

Again the captain nodded with acceptance  at the information. “Do you have a name?”

“I have been called multiple  names.”

The captain smirked at the android’s answer and asked, “Which one do you identify with?”


“Alright Zio, do you want to come with me and help me on my ship?”

Zio smiled at the captain before telling him, “That is what I have been made for.”

“Alright, let’s go,” The captain said and tossed a 1,000 credit coin on the bar as a token of appreciation for the bartenders help.

They walked through the compact sand behind the bar, where the captain had landed his ship.

Sunshine and rain

I woke early to a new day,
woke with an odd thought in my head,
woke with the idea of you close by.
Yes, I woke believing you were near,
but as my eyes opened
the dream faded
and I was alone with my pillows.
I was only sleeping in my bed.

Still this made me wonder
made me think,
made me ask
do you believe in me?
Do you look at the grey and cold sky
and see the sunshine?
Do you stand in the rain
and know the sun is out?
In your night can you feel my day?

You may be as far as the moon is from the sun
but there is still a moon
and I still see the sun.
In the storm and the rain,
I will see sunshine.
I will stay awake at night,
so that I can feel your day.

Happy Camera


I recently moved back to California and took a walk in the redwood forest. I was such an amazing walk and I loved it. Being out in nature with my friends was a great way to spend my first few days in California.  The beauty that surrounded us was breath taking and awe-inspiring.

The most surprising thing to me on the walk was my camera. The lighting was perfect for picture taking and the subject, the trees, were beautiful. I did not want to carry my big professional camera so decided to bring my tiny cannon point and shoot camera. That is why I was surprised with what came out. It was a relatively cheap camera that  gave me amazing pictures.

Here are some more of the pictures taken that day.

redwood and bowling 043 redwood and bowling 046 redwood and bowling 047

It is a Cannon PowerShot A4000 is and here is a link to it so if your interested in taking awesome pictures you can.

Canon PowerShot A4000IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 8x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording and 3.0-Inch LCD (Blue)
Thank you for reading.

Feb. 1 beauty

I sit on the cliffs of California in the warm winter’s sun. It’s only February 1st and most of the country is covered in snow or at least cold. However, I am sitting in a t-shirt with my shoes off enjoying the sun warming my skin and the fresh ocean breeze. The ocean’s waves tickle the cliffs, rocks and the shore that surrounds me. I hear giggles from girls swimming near by and can watch healthy people job by. I sit and watch the beauty of nature and people intermingle. I sit and realize how amazingly beautiful life can be if you take time to watch it walk by. I realize and remember why I came back and why this spot among all other spots in the world is my own paradise. I can breathe in this spot and watch so much life dance around me on a warm winter day.

For you

Like a roaring river caught,

Like a devastating storm stopped,

Like a burning fire in a jar,

my soul was for you.

You released the flood waters of my heart

You control the storm inside my mind.

And you tell me how to burn.

You show me your way.

You show me my way to you Lord.

You open my heart,

you unlock my mind,

and free my soul,

all so that I can love you more.

Let me pour out for you

so that you can fill me up again.

Let me be emptied by you

so that I know where I stand.

Lord, your the lover of my soul;

the only one worth living for.

I was a roaring river caught

and you unleashed me,

for your glory.

I was a devastating storm,

to my own being,

but you calm the rage

that laid deep inside of me.

I was a spark in the night

before you showed me how to burn;

now I burn for you.

only for you, Lord.

Now I live for you

only for you, Lord.


Hello, today I decided to do the daily prompt.  This is a mostly unedited poem. Please let me know what you think.


Who is precious?

Who can do no wrong?

There is only one.

With love flowing out

he came to the ground

with all the power

of the earth he owned,

He humbled himself to save every soul;

he came to rescue everyone.does no wrong

Yes my precious lives far above,

yes the one who can do no wrong

wrote the rules of the universe in our hearts.

He is love and truth.

He rescues those who, 

by the free will he gave,

chose to walk away.

He is in my precious.

God's promise

A note before the poem:

I’ve been reading Psalms and Proverbs lately. This is a poem that came out of that study. I hope you enjoy it and please tell me what you think.

God’s promise

Walk hand in hand with me,

I’ll show you everything I see.

Place your hope in the hand of mine

and I’ll carry it even higher.

Love me now

and I’ll show you my forever.

Love you forever

and I’ll show you my Heaven.


walk hand in hand with me

and I’ll lead you where you should go;

showing you all you can be

helping you to truly grow.

So walk hand in hand with me

I’ll show you everything there is to see

walk hand in hand with me

and I’ll teach you which way to go,

how to grow.

I will teach you you’re always in my hand

I’ll never let you go.

Life's poem

Life pushes,

it pulls;

whirls and rushes

like a dance

every step wishes

changing and turning.

Switching the rules

swapping the characters

redirecting the plot.

Once settled it’s time to rush and whirl

Time to chase another dream

find another way

wish for another day

because why live one life

when you can dream up twenty?


I dream with my mind open

and my eyes shut

I dream without reality,

where anything is possible.

Yes, I dream wonderful dreams

where children run happy

parents are always pleasant

and love fills the air.


I dream with my mind open

and my eyes closed.

I dream the impossible dream.

I dream of you holding me close

hugging me and telling me everything will be alright.

I dream of hearing everything I want to hear

and laughing without end.


I dream with my mind open

and my eyes closed.

I dream of simple dreams

of walking with friends.

I dream complex dreams

of walking in friendship.


So many things I dream,

so many things,

but I dream dreams that will fade.