Isaiah 55:8 painting


I am very happy about finishing this painting this week. I have been working on it and kept making mistakes, but in art mistakes are simply was of improving a piece of work. Mistakes in art work, brings out depth and character.

I am also happy about completing this piece because I love the verse. It is Isaiah 55:8 and states, “‘My thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways’ declares the Lord.” If you know the verse you may also know the verse that follows, which says, “just as the heavens are above the earth my thoughts and ways are above yours.” That is why the verse  written in the skies above the earth.

Isaiah 55_8 001  Isaiah 55_8 010Isaiah 55_8 008

Please note: this painting is being sold in an auction on eBay.

Title: Isaiah 55:8

Size: 10 inch by 8 inch

Medium: acrylic painting on canvas

Reason: Isaiah 55:8 was the first verse I memorized and is a piece of scripture that I hold dear to my heart. It reminds you that God knows more about everything than I do and although his ways and thoughts are different from ours, he knows what is good.

My Artist Statement: I, Tiffany Joy, work with acrylic paint, polymer clay and the written  word to spread basic truth and highlight God’s love in hopes that I can someones day and spread the loving gospel of God.

More for sale

I feel like lately I’ve only been posting about my painting and most of you started to follow my blog while I posted my poems. I will be getting back into the rhythm of writing poetry soon, hopefully this week. That being said I have been focused on painting more lately and some have started following this blog after I posted my art. Here is what I’ve been working on and posted on eBay this week.

I added to my Dance On The Moon painting to give it more depth and character. This is a 20 inch by 16 inch acrylic painting on canvas.

dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 006

All other paintings this week are artist trading cards which are 2.5 inch by 3.5 inch and are reinforced card stock (so 2 ply card stock) acrylic paintings.

The first group is in my series Cross, which are simply crosses done on different backgrounds with different textures of the cross. Each on is unique just like each person’s struggles and reasons to go to the cross are unique.

ImageImageACEOs 025


The next card is an abstract pumpkin that was just fun and festive to do

ACEOs 013

We now come to my latest series called What’s your heart? This series highlights and celebrates each person’s heart and background. We are all different with different lives to live and different ways we show are love. So what’s your heart?

 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 020 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 028 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 029 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 032 dancing on the moon and 1st hearts 035

The world and my path (a poem)

In the noise of the world

how do you quiet your soul

to listen to where you belong

to what you need?

With the world whirling around you

how do you stand still

to see your path

to trust your feet?

When the world whirls and shouts to conform

how do you stand apart,

how do you go down a path less traveled?


Be silent and I will tell you,

because every life has a quiet spot,

amidst every storm there is a tree to hold on to.

And you trust your feet

when you hold the hand of another who believes

in the path you walk down

in the life you live.


You see life is loud

but you can find quiet.

Life is a storm

but there is sunshine.

And living life is a journey

but worth it.

Give aways


I wanted to let everyone who follows my blog know about my new giveaway program. I have started to give away miniature paintings done. Each give away will be one ACEO or art trading cards, which are the size of baseball trading cards or standard playing cards. I will be posting them on my FB page, so like my page and stay tuned.

How this will work, for right now at least, the first person to comment on the post with the ACEO will be mailed the card. When that one is given away I will post another one.

My hopes for this giveaway program is to get my name spread and share my art with as many people as I can.

The first giveaway has started and is  called Butterfly Love. This was done in ink with the majority of the work done on an airplane flying towards the east coast after my last vacation to California.butterfly love


I finished two paintings this week, both were California landscapes. 

The first I entitled Tree Along The Path

Tree Along the Path

Tree Along The Path is an original acrylic painting, done on canvas. It is ten (10) inches wide and eight (8) inches tall. This work of art was completed on September 28th 2013 and is signed by the artist.


The subject of the painting is a tree that can be found on West Cliff drive in Santa Cruz, California.




The other I am calling Sunset Beach


 Sunset BeachThis painting is of a beach while the sun is slowly setting to the left. The main focus is the beautiful cliffs that jet out onto the beach with an opening for the visitors to enjoy the other section of the beach. Sunset Beach was created using a photograph as a tool to capture the landscape of the beach. It is painting on a 10 inch wide by 8 inch tall canvas with acrylic paint.




Both paintings are being auctioned on eBay.


My paintings

Hello followers.

I believe I mentioned this before but I am starting to sell my paintings on eBay. I will also be selling  Jewelry on eBay also. Today I have posted these 7 items

.split flower dance on the moon two paths solo treevirtuous womanbulb glass beadsingle bead bracelet

Please, take a look and check out the auctions for these handmade one of a kind pieces and please, let me know what you think.  Just follow this link.

Thank you.

Split Flower(Art Write-Up)

split flower

Title:Split Flower
Size: 16 x 20 inches
Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas
Summary: It started simply with the butterfly trying to save the caterpillar who was not ready to fly yet. Through the painting process the plant with two different flowers started, which represent the two different feelings that were felt while trying to drag the caterpillar away.

Write-Up: This is one of the first paintings I created with a purpose and a clear message behind it. I had something to say that I didn’t want to put into exact words. I was not ready for that yet in this situation.

I chose the yellow background as a way to hide what I thought was dark. This painting is about an internal struggle and I did not want to be honest about that fact. However, when the background was just yellow it felt like too much of a lie. I added shades of splattered red to give a messier feeling; this is about a struggle even if I wanted to hide some of that fact.

In this painting I split the canvas in half diagonally. The lower half has the darker flower, with a darker explosion of feelings behind it. It is also underlined with an unnatural dark green fire that is almost translucent.

The top right half is lighter. The flower has more white in it and the feelings behind the flower are light pinks, yellows, and white. There is also cleansing and peaceful lavender water dripping down.

The main focus is the butterfly who is trying to rescue a caterpillar. The caterpillar itself is basic with only stripes, but the butterfly’s wings are complex with different layers and sections.

This panting represents my struggles to accept that the person who I wanted to love was not ready or not interested in the change I had gone through. I was different and happy with becoming a Christian and felt as though I was given a new life. I was a new being and wanted him to be one too. I wanted to rescue him from what he was, instead of letting him find his own way.

Dance on the moon


dance on the moonDance On The Moon is a 16 inch by 20 inch acrylic painting on canvas which was completed in the early part of 2013. It shows a woman dancing on the moon with the earth in the background. This painting was completed after the Solo tree and Two Paths. It is a representation of my choice to live my life fully and hope for greatest. It came from the saying, “Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.”

Two Paths


Today’s art is my first and(at this time) only painting set.

two pathsTwo Paths is two 11 inch by 14 inch acrylic paintings, both on canvas. They were completed in early 2013. These paintings are meant to be placed next to each other to create one art piece with a tree in the center of it. It symbolizes a choice that everyone has to make, at  least once in their life. The choice is, what life do you want to live? Where do you want to live? This decision can shape your life and shape the person you become. In this painting this vast choice is broken down into two simple paths. One leads to a simple hut; a home in a meadow. The other path leads to a city in the far distance.