Sub-letter #11 to love excerpt

Sub-Letter #11 (To Love Excerpt)

Sub-letter # 11 is another excerpt from my book To Love. All the excerpts of To Love can be found on the To Love section of my site. You can purchase the book on Amazon.

Please know I have added headers to this post that are in the book. It is simply for the blog formatting.

Sub-Letter #11

To my impending pookie,

I’m not writing in the coffee shop today. I am writing in my little studio apartment that overlooks a valley. Well, it would overlook a valley if trees were not in the way. It is still an amazing view.

It is nice writing here. I don’t have people walking by or people talking to distract me from my work. I am doing the distracting all by myself.

A squirrel will run up a tree near my window and I will then stare at the rough muted brown bark of the tree. When the wind rustles a small sapling that lives on the hillside, I will get lost in how the light and shadows make different shades of green. Sunbeams that hit the leaves make a light, happy green that I’m almost positive they bottled to create one of my bottles of paint. The shadows cool the green and adds touches of dark blue into the hue.

Middle School Romance

I will fight the distraction by telling you a story from my childhood.
When I was in middle school, I had a crush on a cute boy who was shorter than me. That made no difference to me. He was popular and was a cool kid. My little tween heart thought he was great.

One morning before class started, he walked up to me near our lockers. He had a question for me. This meant he noticed me, and my answer was at least interesting to him. I was excited to give him whatever answer he needed.
He asked me if I would be his best friend’s girlfriend. That wasn’t the question I wanted him to ask. I still said yes.

By lunch it seemed like everyone knew. I sat with my friends at our normal lunch table. One friend asked me if I was planning on sitting with my boyfriend. My answer to them was no and explained that he could come to me. I didn’t care enough to go to his table and felt as though if he wanted to be my boyfriend, he could put forth the effort.

In my mind there is a question if I ever talked to him again; I don’t remember talking to him. In all honesty, I can’t even remember his name. Maybe it was Pete, perhaps Paul, or it could have been Dave. Paul sounds almost correct, but I don’t think it was that. I even tried asking Ms. Music who was my friend and should have known his name. She came up blank though.

Present day distraction

In the present time there is a fly on the window sill that my desk faces. The little black fly is right in front of my desk. He seems to want to talk or he can’t find the opening of my crank window. Mr. Fly has a good size escape route, but can’t seem to figure the right route.

He found the opening. He just escaped the prison of the window sill. Perhaps he just needed a break from flying and was not stuck. I would like to think he is now off on a journey. No! A hero’s quest; in order for him to fulfill his life’s mission. He must now find the stinkiest pile of fly food and share it with his one true love. I am assuming in this random train of thought flies do have love. I know this may be significantly flawed, but whatever. It is how my mind is distracting me.

I will fight the distractions again with another story from my childhood.
This story is even older than my first boyfriend story. Truth be told, it’s more of my memèrè’s story. I only know it, because she’s told me it multiple times as if I remember.

The Neighbor Boy

I must have been around five. You should know I was never a girly girl and hardly ever wore skirts on my own accord. These facts are relevant to the story.
When I was young, I lived across the street from my grandmother, who I call memèrè, and the family pig farm. My memèrè was watching me, but I ran across the street to my home. I put on a nice, pretty skirt. It was white with little pink flowers and made of tough material, like denim. They may have been cherry blossoms, but they were on a vine. It is the one skirt I remember owning when I was a kid.

When I came back to my memèrè’s, I was in the skirt. She asked me why I changed. My answer was that I wanted to go play with the neighbor boy, and I wanted to make sure he noticed me. I guess I had a little crush on him.

If you get to meet my memèrè, it won’t surprise me if she tells you this story. She’ll also point out I still had shorts on underneath the skirt.

The only time I remember wearing a skirt when I was a kid is when I wore one while playing kickball. I slid into home plate and skinned my knees. I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to slide into any plate in kickball, but I did. My memory has me wearing the same white skirt with pink flowers.

It may have been my favorite skirt as a kid. More likely the details of the skirt were not important enough to save correctly, and my memory is adding a likely detail.

More Distractions

Okay, I just got distracted because I looked at my television. The different shows I could record popped into my mind. I also have shows recorded and others I could stream. Maybe I should restart the show about a mad man in a box or the show about two brothers and an angel.

Even the way I stacked the two used tea bags from my earlier drinks is making my mind wander. I wonder if they will fall or if I could use them for some weird art project. Perhaps I can just use them to stain a canvas as a base color. I’ve only used tea to stain paper to make the paper look old and distressed. Using tea bags to stain or paint a canvas is something I’ve never tried.

I think I need to share my writing with you and go do something else for a little while.

Want More?

To Love is sold on Amazon and if you would like to read more excerpts you can go the To Love Updates section of this site. I also created some fun promotional videos on Youtube.

Hold Tight (Poetry Reading)

Hold Tight (Poetry Reading)

Hold Tight is a poem I originally published in 2013 and did a recorded reading in 2014. It is this month’s throwback highlight video. This poem is all about holding tight to what is important.

Gripping, ripping
holding tight.
Waking, working
until it's night.
Sleeping, dreaming
but nothing is right;
not here,
not now
when anxiety builds,
and work drains.
Not when my goals
are so far away.
Still I"m
to the one I call Lord;
away from my old self;
Holding tight
to the promises of God.
to a new day
and working
until it's night.
Yes I"m
Gripping, ripping
holding tight.
Waking, Working
until it's night.
Sleeping, dreaming
waiting for everything to be right.
Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio or watch a few of my poetry readings.

Poetry visual image for poem

Don’t Buy My Heart (A Poem)

Don't agree with me
when you know we can't be.
Don't stand too close
when my religion feels lost.
Don't buy my heart
when you know one day we will part.

For cuddling seems to near
and that is one thing I fear.
Having the possibility
of home among your arms,
not wanting to release you from my own.

I forget my reasoning,
the excuses are dispearing.
I am alone with the thought
that my heart you may have already bought,
with your laughter and joy
with your friendship and smile
with your intelligence and being loyal
and that would mean all my plans are foiled.
Because the list of how you bought my heart,
well, that could go on for miles.

Don't agree with me
when you know we can't be
So don't buy my heart
when you know one day we will part.
Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio . You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

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Love Nerd: Neck Fat

Story Time

If you read my book To Love, you know I’ve tried online dating. I tried 3 times and technically I am still on a site. I have had little luck with online dating, but I have gotten a couple stories from it.

My favorite story is one that took place during my second round of online dating. I started talking with a guy that lived on the other side of the country. It would be a long-distance relationship, but I didn’t want that to stop me. We both figured we should try to see if a long-distance thing would work.

We talked via texts for about a week, then had a video date. Because of work issues, the video date almost didn’t happen. When the date happened, I already had my pajamas on with messy hair. He was already relaxing in his bed in his pajamas, which did not include a shirt.

We chatted for a little, but he had to get off to help a friend who was texting him. After the call, I texted him to tell him I was getting ready for bed and I would talk to him the next day. He responded with saying he didn’t think we should continue the long-distance thing. 

I asked “why.” He acted like it would offend me. My goal was to learn if it was something I should change. I wanted any feedback I could get too, since I don’t date too much. After a bit of prying, he told me his shallow reason.

His reason to stop talking, “neck fat.”

I immediately realized that was all on him. It didn’t offend me and I almost found his reason funny. He acted like he could break my heart. He told me he was aware of his shallowness and that he tried to get over his issues. It seemed like an actual struggle for him.

I suggested working through this struggle with God in prayer and meditation to which he responded with he had, but it’s just how God made him.

I stopped the conversation after that. If you act like something is an issue and want to change it, you can’t also say it’s just who you are. If you don’t like what you see in yourself or who you are, you do possess the power to change.

I love telling the story. I find the specificness with his shallowness funny. He did not care that I was not a twig or that I have a rounder body than he would prefer. It was specifically my neck fat.

I guess I shouldn’t have the phone like this.

Love Nerd: Neck Fat
Want More?

This blog series stems from my book “To Love,” which has a whole YouTube Playlist devoted to it. I will also be posting more in this series on the Love Nerd page of this site.

Tiff’s Tips: Assess and Have Goals

Assess and Have Goals

It is important to set goals for yourself and your creative life. I find the more often I write my goals down, the more focused I become in achieving them. Once you have your goals set, you must also assess your progress.

It will not be very helpful to you if you only write the same goals repeatedly and not assess your progress. Perhaps you’re setting goals that you’re not achieving. If you do that, it will add undue stress and pressure on you. Maybe it’s too easy for you to meet your goals. If your goals are too easy than your not challenging your self or improving. If you don’t assess them, you may not progress at the correct speed for you.

Goal setting is a balance and a dance. Some weeks or months you may achieve more than you thought, while other months you may not achieve that much. This is just the way of life. You shouldn’t expect success to be a straight line or even expect you will meet all your goals on the first try. The key is to not beat yourself up on the slow goal for months and accept that you can learn from failures too. This is a lesson I remind myself of often.

The best way I’ve found to use goals is as a marker on your journey. This is easier said than done, at least for me. When I set goals, I want to achieve them with flying marks, but sometimes life gets in the way. Other times I set my goals too high. There are times I meet my goals or surpass them, but often those times are few and far apart. The goal with goals is to see the progress over time and to keep you focus on the main path you’re on. You may have to adjust your goals while you are assessing your progress. If you do it for a long enough amount of time, you’ll see that your progress can motivate you further down your path. I know it has pushed me along my path.

This is part of Tiff’s Tips a blog series. I have also done a goal setting video series on YouTube.

She and He excerpt To Love

She and He (To Love Excerpt)

She and He is an excerpt from my new book To Love. All the excerpts of To Love can be found on the To Love section of my site. You can purchase the book on Amazon.

She and He

They met in a dream. He owned the dream which trapped her. It was a mystery to him how She became trapped. He only knew She could not leave his dream.

At first, He thought She was a figment of his imagination; something his sub-conscious created. He became certain She was a real person, when She disagreed with him and had opinions of her own that did not match his. They were in fact soul-mates, which meant they were perfect for each other. Every time they disagreed or had differing opinions they were stretching and growing each other, the way you do in a healthy relationship.

She always looked for strong, tall, good-looking nerds. He always looked for someone smart and beautiful inside and out. Both He and She found it hard to find their matches. They did not fit into most groups in reality, so He retreated into his mind. He would dream of the girl who would in return dream of him.

She dreamed of him. How much she dreamed of him was hard to explain. She saw the possibility of him everywhere. She would ask herself if the man behind the counter was a possible match. Perhaps the truck driver in front of her car would fall in love with her? Could it be the man that smiled at her on the street? She tried to find a fit in with every man She met, but they never looked towards her to be their match.

Then one day He and She met in their dreams. They sat in an old gazebo surrounded by cherry blossom trees in full bloom. As they sat in each other’s arms they talked and they shared vivid stories that came to life on a screen in the gazebo. He woke and She waited.

He would work the day and tell her all about it when He fell back to sleep. She enjoyed watching his memories replay and He loved to narrate. The nights turned into weeks.

Then one night She did not meet him in his dreams. She had freed herself. His dreams no longer trapped her, but She could not find her way back to him.
Now He waited in this dream state. Without company, the night dragged on. He could only wait in his dream until reality woke him.

Normal dreams crept back into his life. He gave up the hope of her. He succumbed to the belief that She was simply a fantasy that once lived in his dreams.

The day that brought their realities together started like any other normal day for him. Nothing would stand out as abnormal or interesting until they met.
Their meeting would change their lives fast and forever.

He visited his mother in the hospital. His mother was admitted for a small stroke and was already quickly recovering.

He took the elevator up to his mother’s floor, but never reached his mother’s room. The lady He had dreamed about was walking slowly towards him. She struggled with every step while wearing a hospital gown and a bandage around her head.

He saw her before She saw him. It was not until He was rushing towards her She even realized that He was a possibility. They warmly embraced and never again questioned the reality of one another. They were together and always would be.

Want More?

To Love is sold on Amazon and if you would like to read more excerpts you can go the To Love Updates section of this site. I also created some fun promotional videos on Youtube.

Purple Cartoon Flower

 Purple Cartoon Flower painting

Title: Purple Cartoon Flower 

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Size: 4 inch by 4 inch 

Date: May 1, 2020

For Sale: email for more information or simply leave your email address as a comment below.

Write Up

This is a fun and fast painting I did one day. I wanted to try out a new style as an experiment to see how it would work. It turned out cute and delightful painting of a purple cartoon flower. I enjoy the black border and thick outlines on the heart flower and hills. Although it is more of a cartoon style it still has my style in it, which I of course also like.

Want More?

On YouTube I do have a playlist dedicated to sped up paintings. I also have a section on this site where I share my visual arts portfolio along with my painting portfolio.

Also if you are interested in purchasing prints of my work you can find my shops on Redbubble and Threadless.

New Day Painting

In April 2014 I took a day to relax and paint. I decided to record myself as I painted outside on a lovely day. I created my painting “New Day,” on that lovely day. Once I finished the painting I took the recording and sped it up so that about 2 hours of work fit into under 3 minutes of video. It’s fun to see the painting come to life right before your eyes.

New Day Painting

Tile: New Day
Size: 10″x 12″
acrylic paint on canvas panel
This was painted in one session and is simply the sun rising on a new day.

Want More?

On YouTube I do have a playlist dedicated to sped up paintings. I also have a section on this site where I share my visual arts portfolio along with my painting portfolio.

Poetry visual image for poem

Look For Me (A Poem)

Do not look for me
in the ashes of who I once was.
I will not be found there.
I am in the memories you hold dear
and the jokes we once shared.
I am in the love you have
and the breeze that moves among the trees.
So, do not look for me
in the ashes of who I once was.
Note About The Poem

Sometimes I write poetry for fun or to uplift others. Sometimes I write poems to explain something that is going on internally. Most poems that I share are positive or ends with hope. Look For Me is a different kind of poem.

I wrote Look For Me in August 2019, while I was in Massachusetts helping my family prepare for my brother’s memorial service. It may not be happy, but I do hope it comforts you if you are grieving.

Want More

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

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Love Nerd: The Joys and Downside of Singleness

In the “Chronically Single” post, I mentioned that being single can be a blessing. There are both joys and a downside to singleness.

Instead of being overly wordy I figured I’d list them out for you.

The Joys Of Singleness

  1. I Don’t need to share the bed.
  2. My sleep cycle is not interfered with by someone else’s.
  3. My free time is my own to schedule. I don’t need to check-in with anyone.
  4. I can spend more time learning about myself.
  5. Time with God and growing in a relationship can be priority in my life.
  6. My plans and the life I want to live are my own. I do not have to work around my partner’s desires
  7. My money is my money, not our money, so I can spend it how I see fit.
  8. I don’t have to worry about making food for anyone else. I can make what I want.
Joys of singleness from joys and downside of singleness

The Downside Of Singleness

  1. My plans and the life I am living are my own. I don’t have someone to help me make life choices. It’s all up to me.
  2. There is no real daily support with challenges in my life or other life stuff. If needed I have to actively look for support.
  3. I need to do all the household chores.
  4. My money is the only money I have to survive (there is no extra income from a spouse).
  5. There isn’t anyone to challenge me to grow. At least not within my home.
  6. It can get lonely being single.
downside of singleness from joys and downside of singleness

These are my own lists. If you are single, whether chronically or just temporarily single, I am sure your list is a bit different. I would love to hear what are the joys and downside of being single are for you. Let be know below or on one of my social media accounts (tiffyjoyberry).

Want More?

This blog series stems from my book “To Love,” which has a whole YouTube Playlist devoted to it. I will also be posting more in this series on the Love Nerd page of this site.