My Journey With RedBubble So Far

In November 2017 I joined RedBubble. I started slow by only adding acrylic paintings that I already had good quality pictures of.

blue swirl logo for My Journey With RedBubble So Far
Blue Swirl Logo

In 2018, when I had my Surface Pro tablet I started to play around with digital art and posted fun pieces. The digital art really opened up my creativity, since I didn’t need to worry about clean up or materials that much.

The first 2 digital art characters I posted was the first version of my Hot-tea art piece and my happy mug character.

Happy Mug for My Journey With RedBubble So Far
Hot Tea image for My Journey With RedBubble So Far

I also started to do art pieces focused on lettering, which combined my love for words with my love for visual art. My two favorites are my Bible Nerd piece and my Thespian piece.

Thespian aka theater nerd for My Journey With RedBubble So Far
Bible nerd

You will be hearing more and more about my journey with RedBubble as I do plan to be promoting my portfolio and the products you can get my art printed on. I love the idea that you can wear my art or have it on a mug. There are also other products, like clocks and framed art prints.

Also, once To Love is published I will be adding a select number of illustrations from the book to be on RedBubble.