- Write a poem describing physical pain. Start the poem with creative imagery about how the pain started but then go into how it feels. What causes it to grow? Where is the relief?
- Do you have a mentor? Write a character description about him/ her. What are they like? What makes them someone to look up to?
- Retell a story you heard from a friend or someone else in your life. Use different names and if you forget a detail use your own imagination. Basically use a story you heard as a prompt, trying to keep it as close to the original as possible.
- Two brother’s walk into a bar and start asking about the strange local crime that has happened. You hadn’t heard about anything strange, but the more you listen the more you realize you fit the target demographic. What do you do? What happens next? (yes, I am ready for Season 11 of Supernatural to start.)
- You meet the person that you have you are the biggest fan of. You’ve waited in lines and get up to actually see him/her. What do you want to do? What do you actually do?
Kitty's Monologue
Kitty is a character in my novel, who can not talk. She finds different ways to communicate and share knowledge. There is a lot to her, but she can’t always get that across. This monologue is an internal monologue taking place inside Kitty’s mind to Noah, one of the other main characters and the person she is closest to.
I do hear you. I do understand you. I do deserve my position. I really do and I know you know I should be where I am. I just wonder if the others think I belong. Sometimes I know that I don’t, but then you look at me and I belong. Your brother seems hard and protective of his mission. He can’t see that it is my mission too.
I am locked inside my mind. I wish I could just tell you and your brother. Really I wish I could tell everyone what is happening inside. It is like the neural pathways connecting my voice and thoughts are missing. With every trauma or change they are erased and I must relearn how to make sounds that would be considered words. To make matters worst my memories are misplaced. They are not lost, just misplaced. This makes it hard even know what I know. All my memories are intact, but they are hidden from me and it seems like just when I find a memory or way to connect my vocal cords and thoughts together they are erased or jumbled up.
I hope you understand that I am doing my best. Your smile makes me think you know, but how? I never know until I start reconnecting things. Maybe that is why you’re with me; to help me remember that I am not permanently broken just different with misplaced memories.
Hopefully one day I will get to thank you. Hopefully one day everyone will understand. I am smart and I am worthy of helping. It may be a long time, but I do hope.
I hope you like this and if you follow my blog you will learn more about the characters of Duality, since I am pretty focused on it. At least I am trying to be really focused on it.
I’m realizing I want to be an actor, but I cannot not be an author. I will write even if no one reads. I will create stories even if a pen and paper are not near. Characters come into my mind and I see stories without trying. The only real hard part with writing is getting everything written so that others can understand the things I find beautiful.
That is why this year I will be focusing on my writing. I will still try to post videos, but acting and media will be on the C/ last tier of goals. Writing either this blogs or my novel will be A/ first tier and the most important goals this year.
I want to get this draft done and polish my novel up to get editors or friends to give me their input. Plus, the deadline for this draft that I set for myself is fast approaching.
As it stands now God and my family (both blood and tribe) are the two most important things. I’m going to be trying to find different more effective ways to connect with them this year and build stronger relationships. I haven’t written that down all nicely, though.
Next will be my Novel, which means I may not get all five posts published every week. I will try hard to do that, but my main focus will be the whole reason why I write as much as I do. I want to get better and get a book I wrote into readers hands. I don’t care about having a publisher’s stamp of approval now. I just want people to read my stuff.
And I would love people to read my book. I love the story and characters. I just hope the people who will read the book, well books (it is a series), will love them just as much. I mean I see them so clearly and the story is so real to me, but I’m still making it readable and well written.
Well, that was a bit of a ramble. Basically what I’m saying is I will be writing more and acting less. Acting will go on the back burner until I finish editing my book. I need to focus on one dream/ goal at a time.
Connecting with a Character
I just recorded a video that talks about connecting with a character. I had written everything out, but I did not memorize what I wrote so the video is a bit different. I wanted to make sure I shared both though, because I believe they both have value.
First here is what I wrote. The video is below the write up.
The steps towards my goals I want to talk about is connecting with a character. It is something that I believe an actor has to do to portray a character justly. Something needs to snap in place and you the actor has to feel right with the character you have to fully get the character you are portraying.
I have struggled with this as you can see in my precious videos or at least I can see it in the stated songs and poetry readings I’ve done. Something just wasn’t clicking, the character I was trying be were just words. They had no life to them.
Well this week at my improv group a character clicked with me. I really feel like I did the character justice even if it was a silly improv game. I still made that connection, which has been a while since I could say that.
Thinking about it I wonder if I just haven’t realized it at improv before or if it’s growth. Either way it is a boost of confidence for me and reassurance that I can act. I just need to find the character in the words and figure out how to bring the scripted ones to life.
Black Winged Guardian
I drove home really late last night by myself. While driving I came up with this poem. Let me know what you think.
Black Winged Guardian
Black winged guardian
hiding in the night sky;
watching over your charge
In invisible armor
to match your unseen ways.
Mysterious and strong
staying in the shadows
exactly where danger lurks.
Black winged guardian,
inconspicuous hero,
hiding out of sight
so villains always feel fright
and victims stay alright.
Black winged guardian,
only feeling love unknown
staying in the shadows
staying where you were meant to be.
Powerful and brave,
Mysterious and strong,
Yet unknown and unseen.
In My Mind
It seems like I am always starting a new project or doing something different. My newest is a web show. It is a fictional talk show where I am the guests and host. It is meant to be goofy.
Here are the links for the first two episodes and will be posting links for them here from now on.
Fight Club
This week’s movie is one that I’ve watched many times before. It is a dark and twisted film called Fight Club. Now although the first two rules given in Fight Club is not to talk about Fight Club I plan to talk a lot about it, because as the opening credits started I realized I did not talk enough about last week’s movie. What am I doing if I’m not learning and really writing about the movie? So this weeks movie review will be more in depth and analytical.
First I want to start with the theme and feeling of this movie. I realized during this viewing of the movie, that this is a form of dark poetry meant to make you ask the question, “Does what you own, own you?” It also makes you wonder who are if you? Who you think you are may not be who you actually are. The world as you know it may not be reality. That was true at least for the narrator of this film, who never revels his true name.
The fact that you can watch most of the movie not knowing the main character’s name is truly interesting. I watched it knowing the plot and trying to figure out how that was possible. How did the creators side step him giving out his name and no one finding it out on screen. I found that there was only two times anyone even asked him his name or who he was. The first time the scene switched to him waking up on a plane. The second time he described himself instead of saying who he was.
The narrator’s lack of name is one creative way of hinting at a major plot development that if I talked about would wreck the entire movie for a new audience, so I will not go into specifics on that topic. Just know that if you watch it for a second, third, or tenth time you find new details about the narrator’s mental health.
Besides the theme of identity crisis, this movie is also a revolt against conformity and main stream advertising. The characters, primarily Tyler, call for a revolution and total freedom from society’s conventions and rules. The narrator and Tyler’s relationship is even built on the foundation of trying to break away from the norm. They start a fight club to feel alive; a fight club that grows into it’s own army to start a revolt against materialism and greed.
Now, just like the narrator displays his thought process I will do the same as I jump to the next and final point abruptly. This is great film and a wonderful piece of art, however it is dark and strictly for adults only. If you do not like swearing, violence, sex scenes or bloody scenes you most likely will not like this film. Of course, I usually do not like swearing, sex scenes or overly bloody scenes but love this movie for the quality, theme, character development, and plot.
For more information about this movie you can go to Fight Club’s IMDB page.
If you would like to buy this movie here is a link to do so. Fight Club
2 movies down only 326 to go