God Shows Up blog series

Testimony – God Shows Up

My true Christian life started on the cliffs in California.

I had moved to California with four friends after I graduated from college. We moved here for freedom, fun, and the beautiful weather. There was no positive thoughts of God or religion. The group of us didn’t really talk about that stuff much.

After 3 months of living in a pretty chaotic house together and struggling, things began to change. We all smoked and I did not think much about what at the time was a random stoner conversation that would eventually be the catalyst for the change.  The group decided it would be good to do a spiritual exploration study. Each of us were going to study a religion to find out what they all had in common.

Only the person who took Christianity actually studied. He soon decided to go to a local church.

One night he and another housemate had a conversation. By the end of the night God showed up and made Himself real to that friend.

The next day my life truly changed

The next day we walked to the cliffs that over looked the pacific ocean. While meditating I asked the universe for a sign. I made it a point to myself that I was meditating and not praying. I didn’t really want Christianity to be true. After a moment I heard a whisper of a thought suggest opening the Bible that my friend brought.

My friend brought a Bible with us, so I got up and asked him if I could use it. With the Bible in my possession I sat back where I originally was. I wasn’t to going to actually open it to a certain page or passage. How could I? I never really read the Bible before, so I didn’t know where to find any good scriptures.

The wind played and flung the pages. The breeze died down momentarily and stopped at Psalm 64, which in the New King James version says, “Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation.”

It was the word meditation that got me. Then it was as though my soul breathed for the first time.

Feb. 1 beauty

I sit on the cliffs of California in the warm winter’s sun. It’s only February 1st and most of the country is covered in snow or at least cold. However, I am sitting in a t-shirt with my shoes off enjoying the sun warming my skin and the fresh ocean breeze. The ocean’s waves tickle the cliffs, rocks and the shore that surrounds me. I hear giggles from girls swimming near by and can watch healthy people job by. I sit and watch the beauty of nature and people intermingle. I sit and realize how amazingly beautiful life can be if you take time to watch it walk by. I realize and remember why I came back and why this spot among all other spots in the world is my own paradise. I can breathe in this spot and watch so much life dance around me on a warm winter day.