DreamWard Bound Again- September 2017 Recap

If you follow my instagram you’ll notice that I have been focusing this account on my artwork. I have been posting more frequently and honestly being more creative in general recently. This is because I’m back on the goals and dream wagon.

I fell off the dreams and goals wagon for a little while. It at least fells like a short period of time, but it appears to be about a year. I have been writing a book and I have painted during that time. I was mostly focus on the book and my visual art creations found themselves on a back burner for most of that year.

I have found a balance and I am focused on all my goals again. I woke up from a haze of partial laziness. I’m watching less television, and drawing and writing more.

I posted 10 different visual art pieces onto instagram in September. Although most are fast doodles I am proud of them. I am also happy that I was able to add that many to my account that hardly saw any use before September. The consistent practice of this past month is important and I am glad that I am continuing with it.

All art forms are like muscles, you have to use your talents in order to strengthen and improve them.

With the practice I have done of this past month I have learned a few lessons.

1.) Drawing with a blue or red pencil is fine for some people but not for me. If I start with color I will use all the colors that are appropriate for the picture.

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2.)When digitally drawing be aware of how much you zoom in. In the picture below there is suppose to be scales. I zoomed in too much and you hardly can see the scales.

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3.) If I plan out the words and take my time, I can make pretty cool lettering art work. –As a side note the picture below will be made into a t-shirt at some point. 

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4.)Color schemes are important and limiting yourself to a specific color scheme can be create an interesting picture, even if it doesn’t look like anything specific.

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5.)Experimenting with a new technique can be fun, but should be done in the correct medium or at least a medium you are familiar with. I do not typically paint landscapes in watercolors.

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6.)Practice a certain subject and playing with its shape can teach you about the subject. It will also help you hone in your skills.

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7.)Finding inspiration in other artists’ work and recreating one of their pieces can teach you about your style and skills.

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8.) Taking chances in painting can be rewarding and create paintings that you are proud of, even if they are not done yet.

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9.) Even doodles can teach you things. For example, they can show you that you like drawing simple characters or heads.

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10.) Simple characters do not mean similar characters or simple personalities.

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That is all the visual art pieces I created and the lessons they taught me for this past month. I am going to attempt to continue sharing my journey towards my dreams with you.

If you have any feedback or suggestions on anything relating to art work, please let me know. Feedback, questions and suggestions are welcomed and very much appreciated.

Now please, have a wonderful day.

DreamWard Bound or The Week I Focused on Networking


As you know, if you have followed my journey, I’ve been focused on doing and figuring out what I can do to get better at acting and writing. This week I realized that a few people started following my twitter (@tiffaberry). Instead of dismissing them because I didn’t know who they were, I sent them a direct message. Basically I decided to be thankful that new people found me, and curious about how they found me. I do want to know what methods of energy and work are getting me noticed, even if it is only a couple of people.

One of them responded. He didn’t know where he actually found my account, but did point me to a website for film networking. It’s called stage32.  I checked it out, signed up (my profile) and uploaded my resume (TiffanyJoy [yes I see the typo, do you?]). I also added my bio and wrote a couple notes on different forums that they have.  I already have 10 people in my network. I should mention that I signed up two nights and none of my friends seem to be on this. Also it’s me and I don’t have time to sit and search a database. Most of them found me after I posted the notes on the forums. Some of these people are in my area too. There are a few that are further away, but that is good too. I am glad to spread my name around with whoever wants to see or hear about me.

Another cool thing that I started is a new hobby. I apparently needed to be doing more. I am starting to create and mix music on my computer. I have a weird loop now that could almost work. I think it is pretty busy, but I’m still learning the program so throwing things together is fine for me at this point.

The good thing about this new hobby is that my roommate, Kateland, will be doing this with me. My hope is that we can create some good music, since it was music that originally brought us back together and we both love music. She loves music more than me and is the talented one when it comes to music stuff. I have been itching to try to be more musical, though, and this seems like the play to start.

Also, once I get a hold of how to work the program I may actually be able to make song people like. Who knows where this new hobby takes me. I may be on the brink of a new adventure. The possibilities are almost endless.

I just hope that this won’t fully distract me from God, acting, writing, painting, and BJJ. I mean painting is taking a back seat to the others, but it is still  a hobby for me. You know what I will just not sleep. That is how I will get around having all my passions, and hobbies, and a full-time job.

Speaking of passions and hobbies, I did get to write a few things this week. I always feel like I should write more, but I am going on vacation this coming week, so should be able to write while flying at least.

Here is the list of things I published this week.

Guarding The Ladder (A Short Story)

A Romantic Monologue

A Healthy Week to Boost Fitness – I haven’t done this healthy week, but should take my advice.

Weekly Writing Prompt (#24)

Finally, there will not be any DreamWard Bound posts for the next 2 weeks. I will be on vacation and like leaving my computer at home. The whole being on the computer, so much for my work and blog and now music. I will be away from the computer for two weeks.


DreamWard Bound (5/18-5/24/14)



I’m going to try something new this week. Instead of trying to think of my entire week all at once, I have taken notes and editing them together. My thinking is that you will get a more detailed and dynamic post.

On Monday I finished reading the shooting script of “When Harry Met Sally.” It was really great and I loved being able to see what a real movie script looks like. I have read a lot of play scripts and my brother-in-law’s script, “Empty.” This was one that I already knew the movie to and read because of that fact. It was a great read and I could see the writer’s voice, even in the shot set ups which I really enjoyed.

I also wrote on Monday, “I am excited about picking and working on my next monologue/ stated song.” And that “I will also be starting a new challenge and facing my fears more… With the exception of escalators and birds, because come on stairs should not move and birds are evil.” As far as facing my fears goes, I did not see any fears to face. I will be keeping this fear facing in mind as I go on with my life though.

Well as you can see from the video I did work on the monologue all week. I most likely should have worked on it more, but this is a process of growth. Not Every video will be amazing. I just hope you like one or two that I do.

I also spent Monday looking for and organizing more monologue/ songs.

On Tuesday I walked around my work with some co-workers for 15 minutes. I did not do anything creative, but since I spent all night on Monday working on my monologue I was not too worried or upset.

On Wednesday I went walked again for another 15 minutes, wrote for about 10 (most likely more) and went to an open house, that ended poorly. Another thing is that I read for most of the car ride to work and part of the way home also. That was the day I started to read Self-Editing For Fiction Writer, which is the book I mentioned in  In The Diner. 

Thursday  I wrote, “I love when monologues come together and you make discoveries. I also think I figured out how to introduce the video.”

Friday I spent the night in, which let me write, work on my monologue and relax.

I’m writing this on Saturday, even though you most likely are reading it on Sunday. I would rather spread out my posts, so that they don’t get lost in your reader, twitter feed, or FB news feed. Also, I do not like getting a bunch of notices/ tweets from the same person all at once, so I won’t do that to you.

Now as far as today goes I walked for a little over half an hour, which meant I walked for 2 miles. I also weighed myself and am down about 2 lbs, which is mostly due to not eating candy or chips at work and walking a little every day. I also posted my weekly video, wrote this post, and read a bunch in my Bible.

After all that is said and written, the real question is what shall I do now?