Grandma’s Painting: My Most Prized Position

Grandmas painting

Growing up, I thought I wanted to follow in my grandpa’s footsteps and become a vet like he was. As I grew, I changed courses and followed closer to my grandma’s path. My grandma was an artist. She would make quilts and paint pictures. Each one of her grandkids received a quilt and painting from her. It was a wonderful tradition that I greatly value. In fact, one of my most prized positions to this day is the painting she painted for me.

The painting is of her barn on an early autumn day with sheep grazing in the foreground. This barn was on the property where she raised her kids and her grandkids would visit. Her home is such a wonderful childhood memory and I thankful that I have a painting of her barn to remind me of it. I am not home until I hang this painting near a door so that if there is a fire, I will easily be able to save it. It ties me to my family and acts as a reminder of my past. It is love on canvas and I love this painting.

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