I Am A Dork (Almost an Acrostic)


I am a dork
And will not apologize.
Me being a dork is just who I am
And why would you apologize for being yourself?
Don’t you see
Only you can say who you are
Rarely can anyone else look inside you and find
Knitted answers of all of who you are

I am a dork
Always smiling
Making my life happy
And expressing my joys
Daring to live out who I am
Only holding back when fear creeps in, which
Rears its ugly head in crowded arenas
Kind of like a boss that I must beat.

I am a dork
Answering questions you may not ask
Matching characters together in my mind
Alone with my stories some times
Darting from one to the other like an
Owl looking for the best rotten to eat
Ranking each story into its own category
Kindly explaining to all that each is my favorite in its own way.

Yes, I am a dork and happy to be.