Trying To Be Balanced While Being Dreamward Bound


This week I was partly trying to find balance in my crazy life and partly giving in to the low brain power that kept happening after work. I just could not get motivated or inspired to do anything creative this week. Even now it’s hard to write this. I just want to relax and watch television.

The last 2 days after work that is what I did. I just watched television shows until I went to sleep. It was nice to unplug my brain by plugging it into some interesting shows. I hadn’t watched a new show in a very long time. I hadn’t been watching television for most of the summer and wanted to limit my television time when I started again. I have only really been watching my three shows (Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Once Upon A Time) by myself. It was what I needed after a draining week at work.

I also went to BJJ class this week, which was the first time in about a month. It at least feels like a month and hadn’t gone for 3 weeks in August, also. It is getting tough to wake up on Saturday morning to go and Mondays have been crazy busy for me. I went this week though. I got there late, but I got there. It was good to be on the mat again.

I wanted to be creative and write. I do have a list of creative things I want to get done and projects I should work on. It was not the week for creativity. Other things took up my time. I guess it is okay to have off weeks, even though I do not like them.

Another note worthy thing is that I may start focusing on my list of projects that I would like to see done. I have my kids book that is still in the works. My next poetry book has a title and a few poems listed to work on. I also have my web-series, production company, novel and acting career that I would like to work on too. In addition I will be looking to find things that will create some extra income, so that I can either save up or have a little automated income stream in order to take a year off and focus solely on my creative life. I am hoping little steps now will lead to big success later on.

With all that random disjointed stuff being said I will leave you with the two things I posted this week.

Plan A

Weekly Writing Prompt (#32)

I hope you have a wonderful week.

Note: Links removed to site updates.

Successful Week for Being DreamWard Bound


This week, like last week, was a successful week for my dreams and goals. It was not so great for my body and pain level, since on Monday I hurt my neck rolling backwards at Jiu-Jitsu. I wound up pulling or straining it and had to take Tuesday off of work because I couldn’t really drive and did not sleep at all Monday night. I figured since I was almost in tears when I called up my carpool buddy to see what he thought about the traffic, I thought getting through the day at work might cause at least uncomfortable moments. Wednesday my neck was feeling better and now it’s almost all healed.

That is about my physical life though and I am more excited about my goal life. Things seem to really be coming together. I am working on a cover design for my Poetry book and even came up with a title. I also have the outline and rough draft for my kids book done. Finally, my web-series is coming along. I have a cast of four (with myself included) and would like one more person. The good thing is that I have decided on what they are meeting for, the way the new shy girl fits in, the characters names, and how many episodes will be in a season. In addition to all that, I have decided on the name of the production company it will be under. I will be starting Bagel’s Film Productions.

I was also able to publish four posts. These were all written after I got home from vacation, which is another positive thing.  I also recorded two improv videos, but haven’t uploaded them. I will be publishing one of them today, after I finish this.

I will also be editing my novel. Hopefully  I can get a big chunk out of it.

Today’s post is on the shorter side, but I just want to go and do productive things. That being said, I will leave you of things I published this week.

Weekly Writing Prompt

Unnatural Nature

The Window

The Reason.

The Reason

Oh, there’s the reason.
There it lies,
on the floor of my mind.
It was hidden
behind ideas of romance
under longings of intimacy
neither the reason.
They only hide the truth.

This attachment to a stranger
with the idea of romance
longing for discovery of the deep
was caused by a dream of more,
just like reading my mind
told by another life,
this one also touched my soul.
He spoke my heart,
showed the world my hopes,
and told me I could be
the more of my dreams,
without even knowing my existence.

Feeling DreamWard Bound.


I am feeling like I can actually achieve my end goals this week. I published posts that I wrote on my vacation, which meant I did not need to write as much this week. Instead I was able to focus on planning, figure out new ideas, and look forward.

Out of the 5 posts that I did published this week, 2 of them really brought readers to this blog, which is great. I thought they might since the 2 posts were titled, “Meeting Mormons,” and “Elevation.” Elevation is my church so I bet people involved in that would like to read about their tribe. The Mormon post I bet was interesting because it’s an interaction post about a religion/ people group that is usually represented as negative. The people I met were really nice and it was a positive interaction.

I did write a poem, that will be published after all my vacation writings are up. I’m sure I will have more ramblings by the time I’m done publishing my vacation stuff. I might even have a short description of a web-series idea.

I do want to do a web-series, but besides the very, very basics I do not have much. I want to figure out who is willing and able before writing the actual script. Which is backwards, but I want it  to help those involved have the greatest chance for success.

Changing topics, back to why I am feeling like I am moving forward with my goals, dreams, and working towards the life I really want. I sat down and revised my goals this past week and I think these will really help propel me into making some head way. The new thing I did was break down the week into different goals. Now,  I won’t be trying to do everything everyday, which causes me to not really get anything done. It will be okay if I don’t edit my book everyday. It has its own day. This is basically what my schedule will look like now.

Sunday= Bible Study (God Goal day)

Monday= BJJ (health goal) and my blog.

Tuesday/ Wednesday= Acting plan (acting goal)

Thursday = Improv and blog

Friday = Book editing (writing goal)

Saturday = Call family and record kids’ videos (relationship goal). Also Acting planning (acting goal).

It’s nerdy but I am really excited about scheduling and planning. This means that I am really excited to see how I can create a plan of action for my acting career. Maybe I will even do acting stuff in the coming months.

That is really why I am feeling dreamward bound. Now here is the stuff I posted this week.

Poem for Music


Meeting Mormons

Makes Me Beautiful

Weekly Writing Prompt

DreamWard Bound or The Week I Focused on Networking


As you know, if you have followed my journey, I’ve been focused on doing and figuring out what I can do to get better at acting and writing. This week I realized that a few people started following my twitter (@tiffaberry). Instead of dismissing them because I didn’t know who they were, I sent them a direct message. Basically I decided to be thankful that new people found me, and curious about how they found me. I do want to know what methods of energy and work are getting me noticed, even if it is only a couple of people.

One of them responded. He didn’t know where he actually found my account, but did point me to a website for film networking. It’s called stage32.  I checked it out, signed up (my profile) and uploaded my resume (TiffanyJoy [yes I see the typo, do you?]). I also added my bio and wrote a couple notes on different forums that they have.  I already have 10 people in my network. I should mention that I signed up two nights and none of my friends seem to be on this. Also it’s me and I don’t have time to sit and search a database. Most of them found me after I posted the notes on the forums. Some of these people are in my area too. There are a few that are further away, but that is good too. I am glad to spread my name around with whoever wants to see or hear about me.

Another cool thing that I started is a new hobby. I apparently needed to be doing more. I am starting to create and mix music on my computer. I have a weird loop now that could almost work. I think it is pretty busy, but I’m still learning the program so throwing things together is fine for me at this point.

The good thing about this new hobby is that my roommate, Kateland, will be doing this with me. My hope is that we can create some good music, since it was music that originally brought us back together and we both love music. She loves music more than me and is the talented one when it comes to music stuff. I have been itching to try to be more musical, though, and this seems like the play to start.

Also, once I get a hold of how to work the program I may actually be able to make song people like. Who knows where this new hobby takes me. I may be on the brink of a new adventure. The possibilities are almost endless.

I just hope that this won’t fully distract me from God, acting, writing, painting, and BJJ. I mean painting is taking a back seat to the others, but it is still  a hobby for me. You know what I will just not sleep. That is how I will get around having all my passions, and hobbies, and a full-time job.

Speaking of passions and hobbies, I did get to write a few things this week. I always feel like I should write more, but I am going on vacation this coming week, so should be able to write while flying at least.

Here is the list of things I published this week.

Guarding The Ladder (A Short Story)

A Romantic Monologue

A Healthy Week to Boost Fitness – I haven’t done this healthy week, but should take my advice.

Weekly Writing Prompt (#24)

Finally, there will not be any DreamWard Bound posts for the next 2 weeks. I will be on vacation and like leaving my computer at home. The whole being on the computer, so much for my work and blog and now music. I will be away from the computer for two weeks.


Slowly Walking DreamWard Bound

slowly walking DreamWard Bound

I seem to be taking steps towards my dreams and end goals. They are just small steps. I started to budget, so that I can save money to further my journey. With budgeting being done with my money I can see how far I have to go with being able to afford what I need to do. An example of what I am talking about is, I am trying to save money to afford an acting coach. I know I need an outsider’s eye to point me to what I need to do. I also want to make sure I actually have art supplies in my budget and that I will be able to give away at least a few books (once I finish it).

With working on my money budget I am realizing I need to do that with my time. I have a limited amount of time during a month, just like I have a limited amount of money. I need to make sure I am using my time wisely, even more than my money I feel like. I noticed a lot this week that although I am not watching television for three months I am still distracting myself and not being productive. Yes, I do need breaks and to relax, but switching from wasting my time on one thing to another does not help anything.

My goals are important to me and time is more important in completing them than money. I am looking up time management apps to help me, well manage my time. Hopefully, distractions will be cut down when I realize how little time I really have.

I am working on my goals. The hardest 2 this week seems to be my physical goal  (basically eating healthier and exercising more), and editing ( 30 hours in 30 days). I just can’t seem to find time to exercise, edit or make healthy meals. I am eating healthier and going to BJJ, but I’m not stretching myself.

Still, I can see where I am doing well. I am reading the Bible more, getting more sleep (thanks to no t.v.), saying ‘I love you,’ more, having more conversation, and looking towards my future in acting and writing. I am doing things, but I can always see room to improve.

I always am looking on ways to improve and usually hard on myself, but that’s just who I am.

I will end this post on a good note. I was able to write 3 things this week. Here they are.

Who For?

Can I Meet Fantasy?

Weekly Writing Prompt

Can I Meet Fantasy?


I do not want to live this life.
I want to dance with the pixies,
laugh with the werewolves
and maybe meet a fairy or two.

I do not want to live this life.
I want to see my thoughts
in air bubbles that are
taken away by the evening’s breeze.

I do not want to live this life.
I yearn to be free.
Free of things tied to reality,
where there is magic.

I do not want to live this life.
Yet, I know I have to.
I guess I will just depend on love
to be my magic
and honestly that is enough for me.

My End Goals And Dreams


I mentioned in this week’s DreamWard Bound post that I was going to sit down and revise not only my goals but my dreams or end goals. I wanted to start from scratch and figure out where I actually want to go from where I am.

I have done this at least one other time and I do not believe I shared the entire thing that I wrote about my goals and dreams. I have big dreams and sometimes I wonder if I share them if that will hurt my  chances of getting them. Well, more and more I am realizing that dreams are just goals without actionable steps being taken. My dreams might be larger than my life, but I do have small steps to walk towards them. I am creating goals for my life to bring me to my dreams.

Since my ideas of dreams and goals have changed, I would like to share with you my end goal and what I imagine my perfect life to be. I am not saying that my life will be perfect. It will just be perfectly suited for me. I know there will be hard times and sacrifices that I must make along the way, but it will be worth it.

Here you go.

Goals and Dreams:

Where do I start? In my dreams I am a happy artist.

My main focus is writing and acting. I wake up early most days and work long hours when I am on set. I am warm and friendly to both cast and crew. People Enjoy working with me. I work on either faith-based of sci-fi/ fantasy based movies or television shows portraying strong women, dorky side kicks, independent women or other roles that break false images of women or Christians. My main focus with acting is to shine the light of God’s love and the strength he gives his daughters. I want mainstream media to stop putting down or giving a false image of Christian women.

I want to be a part of a movement where we bring Christian morals back to entertainment and art. I want to help people see that Christianity is about loving each other and God’s love. I want to show and teach people that religion for religion’s sake is wrong, but a loving relationship with God is the way to live. He is the one who can save the world and he is the reason for love. Jesus came to the world not to condemn it but to save it and the world should know that. I want to help the world learn that kind of love.

Sorry for that little rant. Let me continue with the other areas of my future life.

I have a fan base that feels comfortable around me and who I actually help. They find support along with a distant friend in me.

I am more than an actor though. I also write and publish books. I have my blog, but my books are my main writing focus and means of income as far as writing is concerned.

I also work towards crossing 1 item off my bucket list each year.

When I am not writing or acting I want to be training BJJ or even another martial art. I want to be able to learn from every aspect of my life and use it towards acting, writing or any other art form I may take up. BJJ helps me prepare for fight scenes and give me confidence and friendship. My end goal with BJJ is to be physically healthy, able to protect myself, and perhaps even become a black belt.

For my family I imagine that I am close and talk often to both my real family and my church family. I know that they will always be there for me and they support me the best way they can. I want to be able to support them also with the needs they have. I also want to become as open as possible with each and every family member, creating relationships with no walls.

I know that I can do all this because I am focused on God. He is the only way that I will stay on track. I will grow my relationship with him daily either by prayer, podcasts, books, sermons, audio-books or conversations directed towards God.

My goals that I have are as follows:

Spiritual: In order to focus on God more fully I will not watch tv or YouTube, unless with friends or it’s teaching on God, for the next 3 months (until September 13th) and with that extra time I will listen to a podcast or read a Biblical based book. This time will be focused on growing my understanding about God and exploring where he might be leading me.

 Relationship: I will tell one person that I love them every day for the next month (until July 13th) and try to start a conversation with them. I am doing this to strengthen my relationships and spread my love.

Physical: I am going to train BJJ at least 3 days and do bed-room workouts 2 other days every week. In addition I am going to eat 1 organic meal a week and at least 1 healthy meal every day. I will do this for the next month (until July 13th).

Editing: I will spend 30 hrs in the next 30 days editing my book (July 13th), keeping in mind that my new deadline for the second draft is November 1st.

Acting/ Writing: I will write 1 monologue a week and record at least 1 monologue a month. I will post every monologue that I record to YouTube to help grow my audience and receive feedback. I will do this for 3 months (until September 13th).

Getting Back To Being DreamWard Bound.


I yet again did not do too much focusing on being dreamward bound. My goals and working towards my future has fallen to the side line. At this moment my goals are not even where I can see them clearly. This is because I know I need to revise them and get them back up, but I’ve been lazy this week. Well, I’ve been lazy and a little obsessed with Once Upon A Time. It is such a neat show with great characters. Thankfully for my time management I finished all the episodes that I can watch.

I am going to refocus on my goals, now, and revise them so that I can yet again be on the road towards my dreams. It always seems hard to start the revision process and some times I don’t really do it. I am so far from even knowing where my heart’s goals lie that I might just start from scratch and revise my end/ all goals. What I mean by that is take the day and really think about how I want my future to be and what I should be focusing on. This will take more time than my normal tweaking of the dates, order, or time spent. Doing a full revision will take most of the day, if not all of it. Thankfully I have no plans for the day and only have Church tomorrow. I just need to stop being distracted and do it.

Okay, here I go. I am going to go spend the rest of the day organizing my dreams and life. I will leave you with the two posts I published this week.

Many Journeys (A Poem)

Weekly Writing Prompt

DreamWard Bound; Where Did The Week Go?


This week was a little crazy and all over the place. From Saturday to Tuesday evening I was basically imprisoned in my home, since my car would not start and, besides a wonderful friend who drove me to Church, I did not have another form of transportation. Truth be told most of the time I did not mind the imprisonment. I got a few things done around the house that I needed to get done and was able to edit my novel a bit. I also binge watched Once Upon A Time, so that was fun.

I started to revise my goals this week, but got as far as first goal. This was basically just giving a new dead line for my 2nd draft of my novel and giving a different reward. I was going to do it Tuesday since I took the day off because I was going to have to pick up my car from the shop, but I kept thinking that I didn’t have time to really focus on my goals. I could be able to pick up my car at any point in the day. It wasn’t until evening that I actually did pick up the car, so basically wasted a perfectly good day not doing anything.

Once I got my car back I was able to go back to work and then Jiu-Jitsu class on Wednesday, which made it feel like a Monday. On Thursday I could not stay still at work; this made the day really hard. I then went to a leadership meeting for my improv group and we decided when which weeks I would be leading. I’m excited to step up and be more involved, even though I have no time as it is.

Friday came a lot slower than I thought it should, but it came and I went to a friend’s kid’s talent show.

Saturday was the 6 year anniversary of arriving in California the first time I moved here. My friends and I call it our Californiverrasary. The four of us  hung out for most of the day and reminisced about the last 6 years. We discussed memories of the beginnings of building our new California life. We had a conversation about what was the most surprising thing to happen to us. We also talked about where we see ourselves in the next six years. It was great to talk and spend time with just the original ‘Eastcoasters,’ even though I love the spouses and other additions to the group. The four of us have a special relationship and it seemed almost needed to be reminded of that, by stepping away from all of our other loved ones.

Saturday also got me thinking about my life, past and future. That could be a whole other post though, so instead of going off on that tantrum I will leave you with the link to the only post I published this week.

Weekly Writing Prompt

Note: Links removed to site updates.