My Journey With RedBubble So Far

In November 2017 I joined RedBubble. I started slow by only adding acrylic paintings that I already had good quality pictures of.

blue swirl logo for My Journey With RedBubble So Far
Blue Swirl Logo

In 2018, when I had my Surface Pro tablet I started to play around with digital art and posted fun pieces. The digital art really opened up my creativity, since I didn’t need to worry about clean up or materials that much.

The first 2 digital art characters I posted was the first version of my Hot-tea art piece and my happy mug character.

Happy Mug for My Journey With RedBubble So Far
Hot Tea image for My Journey With RedBubble So Far

I also started to do art pieces focused on lettering, which combined my love for words with my love for visual art. My two favorites are my Bible Nerd piece and my Thespian piece.

Thespian aka theater nerd for My Journey With RedBubble So Far
Bible nerd

You will be hearing more and more about my journey with RedBubble as I do plan to be promoting my portfolio and the products you can get my art printed on. I love the idea that you can wear my art or have it on a mug. There are also other products, like clocks and framed art prints.

Also, once To Love is published I will be adding a select number of illustrations from the book to be on RedBubble.

Play on (A Poem for musicians)


Let the music play on,
sing your song out,
make the notes dance
out the throat
through your mouth.
Let your words paint music
with your instrument in hand.

You music is a beautiful painting,
so paint on the air.
You songs are a sweet aroma
to my mind,
or like a light shining into my soul.

So play on,
sing on,
and keep on creating.
Keep on sharing.
Let my life be filled
with the music within
your mind,
your heart
and your soul.
Play on
and let me hear
that sweet melody,
your beautiful rhythm
and that soul that shines from the deep.

Let the music play on,
You music is a beautiful painting,
So play on.

Mindless Monologue


As I mindlessly stir my single serve coffee in a Styrofoam cup with a small red plastic straw I think to myself, “Do others narrate their mundane tasks, as they wait for the next event in their story to unfold? Am I odd to dream in vivid detail about meeting a famous actor who could jump-start my career in the middle of a random vacation? Do others yell from their souls, ‘notice me’ with no one hearing, because they do not actually use words.”

If only you could see into my mind you’ll know all the silly questions I ask when no one is listening. You would also see countless pictures I do not have time to paint, along with numerous stories waiting in line to be written as if each main character is waiting in a dimly lit hallway with no other door. If you could see into my mind you would also see an army of poems dancing around scripts that are also waiting to be shared with the world. Sometimes there are fights in my mind because all my stories, poems, paintings, dances, and yes scripts want to see the light of day, they want to be born into reality. However, just like everything in this world things take time to develop and be turned into reality.

So, they wait in my mind. They wait where you can not see them, just like I can not see into your mind, which is why I will continue to ask questions, write my stories, and dream my dreams that line up and pile up in my mind. Maybe when they are all out you will be able to answer the question, “is my mind normal?” Just know that if the answer is no then I will smile and say, “good.”

Until you can answer all my silly questions I will sip away my coffee and make my life more interesting via narrating the boring parts, like sitting on an airplane sipping and stirring my single serve coffee.


This is the last post I wrote while on vacation, from now on it will be all current writings. 

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my mind and thank you for reading.

Interesting Thought.

You may have noticed that this past weekend I spent a lot of time with my camera recording. I had my normal acting video, my painting, and a special short story for my nephew.

My hope in doing acting videos is for people to watch, be entertained, and hopefully give feedback. I am doing them so I can grow. My focus with them is others that I may not know. I’m trying to reach the widest audience with these videos.
I recorded my painting because I find it interesting to watch a painting come to life. I know a few friends enjoy watching them, but I do it because I like it. I’m not really focused on the audience with these videos.
Finally I recorded my short story for an audience of one. I only cared about entertaining my nephew. I had fun writing for him and showing my love to him in a unique way; in a way that was very much me. He has been a big fan of mine and he may not even know how much him liking my art means to me, but it means the world to me. I can always count on him for a good review.

What is interesting about these three videos? Well I realized something important. It is something that I should have known and as an artist I should remind myself every time before sitting/ standing to create. I realized that when you focus your art on someone you love or share your love through your art, that is when it means something. When love is at the center you will get noticed.

I almost didn’t post my short story on youtube. I was just going to post it on my sister’s facebook wall, but I wanted to make sure my nephew would be able to see it whenever he wanted. That was the only reason I posted it on youtube. Now it has 11 views, (I know that is not that much) when I was hoping for only 1. My painting has 14, when I did not care and my acting has 3 when I was going for at least 14.

The lesson in all of this is remembered to do what you love because you love it, not because of others.

Heart On Fire (Painting)

I normally do not like posting twice in one day, but I just finished an abstract painting that I’m calling “Heart On Fire.” It is very different from the other post so thought I would share it with you.

This painting started with a vague idea in my mind, but I was not sure how it would come out. It was my first attempt at painting a heart on fire. I do like how it came out. The purpose of this painting is to display the passion that is in at least my heart that shines even when the surroundings are dark.

The video is the recording of me painting it and the pictures are of the finish product (in case you could not tell).

Heart on Fire 003
Heart on Fire 004
Heart on Fire 005

Please know it has been purchased.

Want More?

On YouTube, I do have a playlist dedicated to sped up paintings. I also have a section on this site where I share my visual arts portfolio along with my painting portfolio.

Paintings on eBay

I have posted the last three paintings I did on eBay. As of right now they are all being auctioned. The ones that are left after the auction is complete will be sold on eBay.

3 paintings 003

Title: Forest


Size: 9 inches by 12 inches


Medium: acrylic painting on canvas-covered panel


Reason: It had the urge to paint, like I try to do every weekend. When I sat down to paint I decided to paint something different from my last 2 paintings. I thought it would be abstract when I started, however it quickly became a forest.


My Artist Statement: I, Tiffany Joy, work with the written word, visual art, and acting to spread basic truth and highlight God’s love in hopes that I can brighten someones day and spread the loving gospel of God.

Here is the link to see the eBay posting for “Forest.


3 paintings 014

Title: New Day


Size: 9 inches by 12 inches


Medium: acrylic painting on canvas-covered panel


Reason: After painting the piece “Islands” I wanted paint another piece, again while recording myself and in one sitting. This is the second piece I did in said format and the first Sunrise/ Sunset painting I have done.


My Artist Statement:I, Tiffany Joy, work with the written word, visual art, and acting to spread basic truth and highlight God’s love in hopes that I can brighten someones day and spread the loving gospel of God.

Here is the link for “New Day.”


3 paintings 008

Title: Islands


Size: 9 inches by 12 inches


Medium: acrylic painting on canvas-covered panel


Reason: I wanted to experiment with painting a piece in one sitting and recording myself painting. This is the finish product of the experiment.


My Artist Statement:I, Tiffany Joy, work with the written word, visual art, and acting to spread basic truth and highlight God’s love in hopes that I can brighten someones day and spread the loving gospel of God.

Finally, here is the link for “Islands.”

You can of course watch me painting these pieces on my youtube channel. 




Forest Painting

I painted a little forest area and recorded myself while doing so. Here is the sped up video, that is available on youtube. I also have two other paintings that I recorded and sped up.

Here is some more information about the video and song that is playing in the back ground.

This a sped up version of me painting a forest, which is where the title “Forest Painting” comes from. It took me a little over an hour to paint this piece and is one of the very few forest paintings I have done.
The song in the background is O.A.R.’s song, “If Only She Knew.”
It is off their 2001 album Risen. You can find more information on O.A.R. on their website.

DreamWard Bound (4/12-4/20/14)

All weekend I have been thinking about this blog. What would I write? What should I write? What did I do this week to take steps towards my dreams? Did I actually do anything that made me dreamward bound? I did not have an answer to these questions, until today.

I realized that I did not do anything to move me towards my dreams, instead I enjoyed my time. I worked hard, hung out with friends, went to my improv group, was able to take two friends out to dinner one night, and went out with my “Friend-Family” another night. I was able to celebrate birthdays with two close friends and had fun. Instead of focusing on what my life could be, I simply enjoyed my life as it is.

Now that being said I did have free time today and did want to do something artistic. I decided to paint for a little bit. I also really enjoyed how the first recording of my painting went, so I recorded the painting I did today. The only issue I had was that my camera died within 10 minutes of painting. Thankfully, I had my phone with me and was able to record it on that.  I have posted it on youtube, and placed it right below for your viewing pleasure. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think. (The song that is playing in the background is MercyMe’s “Move.” which is off their Generous Mr. Lovewell. You can find more information on them at

Painting Islands

Yesterday I spent the afternoon painting and decided to paint a full piece. I painted it from beginning to end all in one sitting, which took about an hour. I also decided to record this process and see what it looks like to paint. I sped it up, put a good song in the background and posted it on youtube.

The song that is playing is Regnia Spektor’s Hotel Song and can be found on her album Begin to Hope, which was released in 2006. For more on Regnia Specktor her website.



Here is the finished product

painting 012