Dream Guy Painting

Dream Guy Painting

Title: Dream Guy Painting 

Medium: acrylic on canvas 

Size: 8 inches by 10 inches

Year Completed: 2020

 For Sale:

Price: $67.50

Price for Patreon Patrons (scones and above): $54

email Tiffany@forthejoyoftiff.com for more information

Write Up

This was a fun painting to do. It started off as a pour painting and then I used how the paint came out to make a scene. The girl is dreaming of her dream guy that shares the painting with her.

Want more?

On YouTube, I do have a playlist dedicated for sped up paintings. I also have a section on this site where I share my visual arts portfolio along with my painting portfolio.

Dear past self


No human can complete you,
You are complete,
even if you are a bit broken,
once you realize this you will be happier.

Some people won’t stay in your life
that doesn’t mean they didn’t love you
it simply means your paths have changed.
Still keep 3 types of people around you
those who build you up,
those who show you how to grow
and those who remind you of who you were.
At some point in your life you will be lucky;
you will feel complete
and have everyone you need.

Now life will be hard
and the path will be rough.
You’re dreams will seem far away,
but you have to keep going on.
Always look forward
and although you may like to look back
remember you are not the same as you were.
You are on a journey.
Your life is a journey that changes you.
So look back when you must
but try to look forward towards the bright future,
because even when the path seems dark
there is light around one of the corners.

Writing Process (a free verse poem)


Poetry comes out
with my eyes closed
when sleep in near;
brilliant poems flow
when paper is far
and repeating is not enough.
Wisdom and intelligence overwhelm me
when the only outlet is to speak it to myself
or when no one is listening.

Yet when I open my eyes
words fly away
like fading dreams they fly.
The poetry inside is trapped
like a rat in a house unable to be freed
as soon as the paper is in reach.
I open my mouth when some is around
and only babble spews out.

So I write with my eyes closed,
freeing my poems from the paper trap
and write when no on is around
with the quiet of my mind.

Feb. 1 beauty

I sit on the cliffs of California in the warm winter’s sun. It’s only February 1st and most of the country is covered in snow or at least cold. However, I am sitting in a t-shirt with my shoes off enjoying the sun warming my skin and the fresh ocean breeze. The ocean’s waves tickle the cliffs, rocks and the shore that surrounds me. I hear giggles from girls swimming near by and can watch healthy people job by. I sit and watch the beauty of nature and people intermingle. I sit and realize how amazingly beautiful life can be if you take time to watch it walk by. I realize and remember why I came back and why this spot among all other spots in the world is my own paradise. I can breathe in this spot and watch so much life dance around me on a warm winter day.