Simply Sharing Gratitude

simply sharing gratitude

I’m a big believer that having a grateful attitude in life will help you have a more positive life. When you practice being grateful, you look for things you can be grateful for. This makes you look at and for the good in your life. Even if the only thing you can see at first is the fact that you are alive, that is a wonderful start.

If you follow me on social media or here you know that a few weeks ago I posted a list of journaling prompts I go through almost every day. One of those prompts was to list things I’m grateful for. Some days they are profound and deep. Other days I list things like coffee, tea, pens, and my bed. Those are still good things that I am thankful to have, and that is really what it’s all about.

Now I want to share with you a few things I am currently grateful for as examples and also to simply share my gratitude with others.

I am currently grateful for:

  • Connections I’ve been on social media and online.
  • My Church.
  • Those I call family and friends.
  • My ability to express myself.
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If you would like to keep more up to date with what I am doing I am on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also read about my life in my series God Shows Up or in the category “Life.”