Wow, This Is My 500th Post!!!

Wow, This Is My 500th Post!!!

I can’t believe this is my 500th post. It started in 2012 and has morphed as my life changed. At some points, I was writing up storms. In 2014 I wrote 107 posts, and in 2015 I wrote188 posts. However, most years ranged from 6 to 75 posts in a year. It all depended on what was going on in my life.

My first Series

My first post was “The Start With The Best Project.” I was going to use my blog to review the 328 best movies. I had the list and was going to watch each one, then write reviews. That was going to be my blog. I should say that was the first plan for the first 6 years. Yes, I would post different things, but for 6 years I would review movies.

I wrote 2 reviews in “The Start With The Best Project” before I added “Story Time With Pink-Sunshine.” This was going to be a short story series that fictionalized my adventures of moving to California with my friends. It would be a fun way to dive into a big important project but still have small shareable writings regularly.

The Start With The Best Project” lasted about a month before I got distracted with other writings. “Story Time With Pink-Sunshine,” only had 2 posts. I then posted poetry, which I still do post regularly. Life updates, random ramblings, and visual art pieces soon followed.

DreamWard Bound

In 2014, I started my blog series “DreamWard Bound,” which ran until 2019. It first focused on my desire to work in the entertainment industry as an actor or producer. It morphed into how I was becoming an artist and writer. No matter what “DreamWard Bound” was about me reaching for my dreams and working to become a full time creative.

Over the years and Now-a-days

Over the years I wrote short stories, more poetry, reviews, life updates, visual art write-ups, and a few other non-fiction blog series. One thing remained consistent throughout the years and with each post. This site is a place where I share my creativity with the world. In reviewing my older posts, I am seeing just how diverse my writing has been.

One thing that has been pretty constant is my poetry. Poetry is something that I typically need to write to express something or sort through some feelings. It is something that just comes out of me, and I haven’t realized it until recently. However, it has always been true. At least it has been true for as long as I have written this blog.

Thank you for reading my 500th post and stay tuned for the next 500.

Oh and if you want to see what I’ve done outside of this site check out my YouTube channel or Instagram account.

Looking Back At A Changing Life

Looking Back At A Changing Life

It has been over a year since I had my last professional headshots done for my book To Love. I just redid my profile pictures myself and it made me start to think. What has changed over the year?

  1. I published To Love. It is a 5-year project that is completely done.
  2. I left my kitchen job to pursue my art business full time (I’m still at my part-time church job).
  3. My Patreon page was started.
  4. Love Nerd and Tiff’s Tips both started in between these 2 pictures.
  5. I opened and post regularly to 2 Print On Demand stores.

Basically, I did a lot, and even without taking into consideration all the changes in the world I can say my life has changed a lot in this past year. Life is a crazy adventure for me right now, but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the personal growth I’m experiencing in this chapter in my life.

Want More?

If you would like to keep more up to date with what I am doing I am on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also read about my life in my series God Shows Up or in the category “Life.”

Looking back to help me go forward.

I always like looking back at my past. I do not look back to dwell on my past mistakes or my past hurts. I do not like putting energy into the negative things that could hold me down. Instead I look back to see how far I’ve come. I enjoy seeing my progress and realizing what I have left behind. I also review my past to see what else I need to let go of.

The first thing I realized you may not care about. It has does not have a obvious correspondence to my art or this blog.However,  it is a big realization for me and important. I recently realized I’ve stopped looking for romance. Like I mentioned in my DreamWard Bound post this week I went through old journal entries. I realized how much I thought and wrote about romance before and how little I think about being in a relationship or finding my one true love. Yes, if some one comes along and sweeps me off my feet I will go with it.The difference is that  I am not looking for that person. I am so happy, complete and fulfilled in my life right now, that I do not feel the need to add another person into it. Plus I realized how free I truly am without romance in my life. I can do what I want when I want, I can make future plans without worry about another person, and I do not  have to be any one’s life partner. Again, when the right guy finds me I will be happy to do all that relationship stuff with him. I’m just glad it’s not right now.

I also wanted to reflect on my internet presences. First let’s start with this blog. I just read over the first blog that I ever posted. It is an outline and a plan for movie reviews. You see this blog was going to be dedicated to reviewing movies. It has since changed. It has actually changed a few times now. I would like to go back to reviewing movies, but that will be a goal for the future. I have grown to realize that doing, creating and growing as an artist is more important to me, than growing as a critic. I also realized that I would share art and thoughts rather than movie reviews. I just enjoy it better, at this point in time.

Now a fun look back: My first video that I uploaded to youtube.

Oh and now the first art piece I posted on this blog. This painting took me at least a few days as opposed to the couple of hours my last 3 paints took.(I really hope you are enjoying this, because I am having a blast!)

solo tree


In addition to (at least  perceived growth) I have posted more regularly and have more followers visit this blog. I actually looked at wordpress’ stats recently and mine are slowly rising, which makes me happy. All this makes me want to do more, share more, create more. Hopefully all my writing, sharing, and creating wants you, my reader(s) to read and see more.

Feel free to comment below or check out my youtube channel to see more recently videos, my website to see better paintings, or follow me on twitter so that you do not to do any of those things to stay up to date with my going ones.

I have another few posts that I will be working on today and posting through out this week, so stayed tuned/ focused/ on the look out.