DreamWard Bound (5/11-5/17/14)

This week was a busy week for me. Two days this week I went straight to different social things after work and on Monday I went to the DMV and an open house before work, which meant I had to work late. By Friday night I was exhausted, so of course Friday was one of the days I went straight out. I also had an event to go to this morning. I am not complaining about my busy week. It is just a lead in and explanation why this weeks goals mean more than most.

Even with my busy week I found time to be creative and read. I hardly watched television and practiced more of my monologue, that I will record tomorrow (in between serving at my church’s two services).

I also think I figured out a new fitness plan. I will take 2 fifteen minute walks a day during my work day and I will eat healthier. I also realized that it is better to do weight lost, since it is a more definite  tracking. After I lose 10 lbs I will get a new outfit, so the reward will be the same and the method is almost the same, but the tracking and when/ how I exercise is different.

I don’t have too much else to write. This week was more focused on living where I am at right now, rather than focused on the future and goals. I still meant most of my goals. I am becoming more relaxed with tracking my goals, yet I am still meeting them.

DMV Fairies

This is a ten-minute creativity burst that I enjoyed writing. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think.

DMV fairies short story logo and image.

DMV Fairies

7:45 am I walk to the line and start my day-dream as I fill out a form. Fairies fight hungry monsters in the night while the rays of sunshine are on my face as I wait.

8 o’clock visits and leaves while I write the same information over and over. I wait, write, and wrangle answers to questions I hardly care about. I would rather watch the good guys win in my mind and see how fairies can hunt the evil that lies right beneath the surface of society.

No one but a select few know how close the dream world is to our own. No one knows how close they are to being hunted by the evils these fairies face. The evils and monsters that hide imagination away or the vampires who feed on ideas and souls. No, hardly anyone knows of the battle for the unrealistic, but the monsters, vampires, and ghouls all search out to feed with only a few fairies and hunters aware enough to fight and keep us free.

Now it’s 9:30. I am done; with my new paper license and car’s plates I leave the DMV and hope that my creativity always stays near.  Now driving away I hope and wish for the fairies to stay near.

Want More?

If you would like to read more short stories please check out my Portfolio or perhaps you would enjoy watching readings of my work on YouTube.

Stated Song: Drops of Jupiter

In yesterday’s post I mentioned that I had a plan for my video of the week. If you are a regular here you should know my goal is to post a video every week and this past week I came up with, what I think is a great idea. Instead of monologues or poetry readings I have decided to turn songs into monologues.

The first song I stated is Drops of Jupiter by Train.  I hope you enjoy the video and please note that I know it is not perfect. I wanted get the first one out and up on youtube, because some times you just have to finish the first step so that you can grow. I hope that is what I am doing, of course no matter what I will be able to see improvements.

Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions let me know.

Paintings on eBay

I have posted the last three paintings I did on eBay. As of right now they are all being auctioned. The ones that are left after the auction is complete will be sold on eBay.

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Title: Forest


Size: 9 inches by 12 inches


Medium: acrylic painting on canvas-covered panel


Reason: It had the urge to paint, like I try to do every weekend. When I sat down to paint I decided to paint something different from my last 2 paintings. I thought it would be abstract when I started, however it quickly became a forest.


My Artist Statement: I, Tiffany Joy, work with the written word, visual art, and acting to spread basic truth and highlight God’s love in hopes that I can brighten someones day and spread the loving gospel of God.

Here is the link to see the eBay posting for “Forest.


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Title: New Day


Size: 9 inches by 12 inches


Medium: acrylic painting on canvas-covered panel


Reason: After painting the piece “Islands” I wanted paint another piece, again while recording myself and in one sitting. This is the second piece I did in said format and the first Sunrise/ Sunset painting I have done.


My Artist Statement:I, Tiffany Joy, work with the written word, visual art, and acting to spread basic truth and highlight God’s love in hopes that I can brighten someones day and spread the loving gospel of God.

Here is the link for “New Day.”


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Title: Islands


Size: 9 inches by 12 inches


Medium: acrylic painting on canvas-covered panel


Reason: I wanted to experiment with painting a piece in one sitting and recording myself painting. This is the finish product of the experiment.


My Artist Statement:I, Tiffany Joy, work with the written word, visual art, and acting to spread basic truth and highlight God’s love in hopes that I can brighten someones day and spread the loving gospel of God.

Finally, here is the link for “Islands.”

You can of course watch me painting these pieces on my youtube channel. 




DreamWard Bound (5/3-5/10/14)

What happened this week?

This week started off great. I woke up early on Monday and Tuesday to do yoga before work. Driving into work, since I carpool, I read. After work I was creative for over ten minutes each day.

I was doing great for those two days. Yet, on Wednesday morning something horrific and terrible happened. I woke with a sore throat! This ruined my works outs for the rest of the week, because I did not want to wake up early with a sore throat and move. I wanted to rest and baby my small aliment. I mean you can’t really do anything with a sore throat, right? You shouldn’t exercise or be active if you have post nasal drip.

It is also really hard to work out in my room, since it is a bit crowded with boxes, junk and a mess.  As you can read it is so easy for me to brush my fitness and health goals aside. It is not fun for me to work out with out a purpose and it is hard to work out with out a specific space that is solely for fitness. I have heard that there are buildings that are dedicated only for fitness and exercise. I may have to do more research on them and redefine my fitness goal or at least how I am going to achieve it.

I made most of the other goals. I still have to spend 2 hours working on my novel and have not recorded a video. The good news with both of those goals are that I have them planned for today. I should be posting the video later on today, along with another post about which paintings of mine are going up on eBay.

As far as the goals I made; Three days I worked on writing and two days I worked on a monologue type thing, which will be explained in the post with the video.  I did post two of the poems that I wrote this week on this blog. One was She, He, They and the other was Friendship. Both were quick little poems that took under ten minutes, but hey I wrote two poems, and was actively creative while working a full-time job with a 45 minute commute (one direction).

The 45 minute commute is also why I decided to do my reading in the car, which apparently not everyone can do.  Another note about the reading I finished reading a book about writing and read all of Romans (a book in the Bible) this week.

To wrap this blog up I just want to say that all in all this week was a good week and a good step towards my dreams, which are now my goals. Thank you for reading and I will be posting more later on today or maybe tomorrow. We shall see what happens.


I am really thankful for my friends today. Nothing major happened. I simply am thankful for them and all the ways they help me be the best me I can be, whether that is apartment search, giving support for my goals, being goofy or answering every question I ask.  Friendships are easy to take for granted, and it is easy to not realize how essential friendships are.

That being said, during my ten minutes of creativity today I wrote them a poem. Even though it does not have the words, “thank you” in it, this is my thank you poem to all the people I call friends (family, friend-family, and friends alike).


Why does the sun shine

and the grass grow?

Why does the wind blow

and I breathe?

The answer should be clear.

It is because you are near.

The sun shines bright

and days last longer

when you are smiling,

when you are laughing.

The grass grows greener

and the wind calms the storms for just a bit longer,

when you my friend are living along side me.

Happiness brings the sun out

even on a cloudy day;

the grass grows

even in a drought

when friendship is sought.

I can breathe with ease

because the wind calms the storms

when you stand close.


What a wonderful life

when friendship can be seen.


She, He, They

I just scribbled down a fast poem and wanted to get some feed back. I also like how it came out, so wanted to share it with you, my readers.


She waits, she works

she spins and twirls.

Merrily on her way she goes

in a dance that no one knows.


He paces, he panics

He dashes to run races.

Frantically rushing every where

in a rave that no one knows.


They talk, they listen

They move all about

Sweetly whispering and giggling in the other’s ears

in a life no on really knows about.

Forest Painting

I painted a little forest area and recorded myself while doing so. Here is the sped up video, that is available on youtube. I also have two other paintings that I recorded and sped up.

Here is some more information about the video and song that is playing in the back ground.

This a sped up version of me painting a forest, which is where the title “Forest Painting” comes from. It took me a little over an hour to paint this piece and is one of the very few forest paintings I have done.
The song in the background is O.A.R.’s song, “If Only She Knew.”
It is off their 2001 album Risen. You can find more information on O.A.R. on their website.

Looking back to help me go forward.

I always like looking back at my past. I do not look back to dwell on my past mistakes or my past hurts. I do not like putting energy into the negative things that could hold me down. Instead I look back to see how far I’ve come. I enjoy seeing my progress and realizing what I have left behind. I also review my past to see what else I need to let go of.

The first thing I realized you may not care about. It has does not have a obvious correspondence to my art or this blog.However,  it is a big realization for me and important. I recently realized I’ve stopped looking for romance. Like I mentioned in my DreamWard Bound post this week I went through old journal entries. I realized how much I thought and wrote about romance before and how little I think about being in a relationship or finding my one true love. Yes, if some one comes along and sweeps me off my feet I will go with it.The difference is that  I am not looking for that person. I am so happy, complete and fulfilled in my life right now, that I do not feel the need to add another person into it. Plus I realized how free I truly am without romance in my life. I can do what I want when I want, I can make future plans without worry about another person, and I do not  have to be any one’s life partner. Again, when the right guy finds me I will be happy to do all that relationship stuff with him. I’m just glad it’s not right now.

I also wanted to reflect on my internet presences. First let’s start with this blog. I just read over the first blog that I ever posted. It is an outline and a plan for movie reviews. You see this blog was going to be dedicated to reviewing movies. It has since changed. It has actually changed a few times now. I would like to go back to reviewing movies, but that will be a goal for the future. I have grown to realize that doing, creating and growing as an artist is more important to me, than growing as a critic. I also realized that I would share art and thoughts rather than movie reviews. I just enjoy it better, at this point in time.

Now a fun look back: My first video that I uploaded to youtube.

Oh and now the first art piece I posted on this blog. This painting took me at least a few days as opposed to the couple of hours my last 3 paints took.(I really hope you are enjoying this, because I am having a blast!)

solo tree


In addition to (at least  perceived growth) I have posted more regularly and have more followers visit this blog. I actually looked at wordpress’ stats recently and mine are slowly rising, which makes me happy. All this makes me want to do more, share more, create more. Hopefully all my writing, sharing, and creating wants you, my reader(s) to read and see more.

Feel free to comment below or check out my youtube channel to see more recently videos, my website to see better paintings, or follow me on twitter so that you do not to do any of those things to stay up to date with my going ones.

I have another few posts that I will be working on today and posting through out this week, so stayed tuned/ focused/ on the look out.

DreamWard Bound: now with a plan

I am sure that if you read my blog you have noticed 1. I’m a dreamer and 2. I have not been totally sure what I am doing or know what steps I should take to achieve my dreams. I really felt it this week. I kept asking myself what was I do? What is really going on in my life? Two things helped me not to freak out one was a reminder from a youtube video, the other was a reminder from myself in the form of a old journal entries.  In the video Felicia Day talked about writing but really any dream/ creative talent. Creativity takes practice. The old journal entries simply reminded me of who I was and how far I came (which will be another blog).

With these reminders on my mind today,I spent the day focused on figuring how what success means to me, what dreams I want to make reality, and what I want my future to be. I did this by going through Donna Partow’s “21 Quick And Easy Ways To Make A Real Change In Your Life.” It is a short little 7 step e-book that use to be for free on her site. I believe that offer is over and she took the book down. It is a good simple book that can be a useful start.

By writing out my current goals and planing my daily schedule around it. I should have more interesting blogs to post and more writing to share with you as the days and weeks go by. First thing is first; what are my goals.

1.) I am going to read more than I watch television by reading a chapter in my Bible once a day and by reading at least a page in another book. For every chapter of the Bible I read and every page I read in my other book I will be rewarded with 10 minutes of television, with the exception of comic book, that ratio is 1 page = 1 minute.

2.) I am going to fit into my plaid pants by working out 15 minutes a day and 1 hour on Saturdays over the next 60 days. My reward will be a new outfit. – I want to draw attention to the fact that I am not trying to lose weight, simply trying to get into a healthier shape.

3.) I am going to strengthen my creativity by either writing or practicing a monologue for 10 minutes a day. After 2 months of doing this daily with 3 exceptions/ sick-days I will reward myself with a new video camera or editing software.

4.) I am going to post at least one video and one blog a week onto the internet (more specifically this blog) for accountability, feedback, tracking goals and growth and to find support that I other wise may not have found. Every 6 months of  posting 1 video and 1 post, so that it adds up to be 45 posts I will reward myself with a weekend free of responsibilities.

5.) I am going to finish the 2nd draft of my novel in 1 year (May 3, 2015) by working on it for 2 hrs a week. I will reward myself with a party with my friends.


I have plans, tracking tools, negative consequences if I don’t meet my goals, and other information that I won’t bore you with. I do not think you would enjoy reading more lists (if you do let me know . I will share). I also plan on doing a video tomorrow to go along with this post. We shall see how that turns out. I may decide just to paint instead. Either way stay tuned for a video tomorrow.