2018 Visual Art Pieces

In 2018 I started to experiment with digital art and lettering.

Some digital art was abstract and simply me experimenting with this new media.

Multi brush and multi color 2018 Visual Art Pieces
abstract flower for 2018 Visual Art Pieces

Other art pieces were fun cartoon characters that I created in order to sell prints on Redbubble.

I'll be guac for 2018 Visual Art Pieces

Most of the lettering art work I’ve done this pass year was also for Redbubble prints.

Thespian image 2018 Visual Art Pieces
word nerd for 2018 Visual Art Pieces

Early in 2018 I also started working on the visual art for my upcoming book To Love.

Although I did not finish a single acrylic painting in 2018 I did work on a few and in general, it was a good year in my visual art life. This coming year is looking good for my creative life, also.

Stay tuned for more art pieces. They are coming.

Where Am I? – DreamWard Bound

dreamward bound logo for where am I

I started this DreamWard Bound series almost 5 years ago. A lot has changed with the series and in my life, since then. My creative life has bounced from the foreground of my focus to the back burner and back up front.

What I focus on in my creative life has bounced around, also. Even my artistic purpose has morphed into something new.

My creative focus has changed, because the close I get to my ideal life the more I learn about myself and my true passions. I’m still not living my ideal life, but I am learning more about it.

In learning about my true passions I have added and changed my artistic theme and purpose. My theme now is ‘joyfully fun creations.’ I’m trying to keep most of my art joyful and/or fun. Sometimes I will still step away from my theme. This is mostly seen with poetry and other writings.

Having a theme to focus on has helped with my art and creating a solid body of work that has the same light, joyful feeling and style to it.

This theme/ style has carried into my memoir that I almost have completed. The book has been taking up a lot of my creative energy for the past few years, which is why this blog has been so sporadic. I have high hopes for it in both publishing success and keeping my new artist theme. I worked long and hard on it, so hopefully it is good. It’ll be very me at least.

I have also started to do more digital art work and post them for sale on Redbubble. I’m having fun creating lettering art and silly characters to share. I will be giving Redbubble at least 1 post of its own, if not more, in the near future.

I am also planning on writing more blogs and making sure this site is up to date on all my creative happenings, so stay tuned.

Speak I’ll Retreat (A Poem)

Speak I'll Retreat (A Poem) poetry image

I want to speak,
but I’ll let you go.
One word of mine will escape
before it’s your words that flow.
Each time I shrink.
I retreat.
I see your need
to be loved
to be heard.
I want to speak,
but instead I’ll simply retreat.


Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash

Want more?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio or watch a few of my poetry readings.

To Those Who Struggle Visual poetry picture

To Those Who Struggle (A Poem)


I see the beauty that you call ugly,
The scars of the past
healed by your own actions,
the love for self
that you think needs to hide.
In your eyes
I see the stories
ashamed to be told;
the climb from rock bottom
conquering the ugly side of self
cleaning your soul.
I see your struggles staring back at me
and all I can say,
“You are loved.”
You can connect with me.
I see the pain behind your eyes,
but you are courageous and strong.
You have survived this long.
Now with serenity
You can attempt to thrive
and beyond your beauty
beyond your strength,
I plead you to know
You are loved.


Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash

Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio or watch a few of my poetry readings.

among the garden visual poem

Among The Garden (A Poem)


Do not stay too long
among the flowers of the field.
Do not linger at the garden’s rose.
My heart waits for you,
but not there.

I am not a rose,
not a flower.
Although pretty and fragrant
their beauty wilts and withers too soon.
Vanity won’t nourish your soul
or calm your nerves.
Charm is a Venus flytrap
alluring but harmful

So do not stay among the garden
while your love awaits your arrival.

Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio or watch a few of my poetry readings.

Others (A Poem)

poetry logo for others poem

It will be okay.
It will be alright,
just hold on tight.
Don’t be hurt,
there is no reason to cry.
Just let go
and know this darkness is just the night.

Morning is coming.
It must be near.
Daylight should be journeying here,
but even if it is not,
even if this friendship continues its sleep,
others are waking.
Others are walking,
some close by,
some far.

Others will help.
Others will hold.
Others think of you as dear.
Whether this is night before dawn
or an endless sleep of might-have-beens
others hold you tight
and others will bring your dawn.


Others is a poem that was originally written in October 2013 and only lighting edited when I found it in a journal.

Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio or watch a few of my poetry readings.

Winter Before Spring ( A Poem)

Winter Before Spring a poem

I await the spring
trapped in a winter cage.
The snow surrounds me,
in the darkness of my mind,
waiting for a spark of passion
to burn through winter’s gelidity.

I await a new life,
the awaken life,
the freed life,
that comes in the spring;
that sweet release.
Yes, I await spring.

This poem was writing on March 3rd, 2014 and I only lightly edited it. I hope you enjoyed it.

Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

Chapters of Life – DreamWard Bound

Every few years my life changes. Each change is the start of a new chapter and a new part of my epic story. Most of the time it also comes with a change in location, but not always.

I try to prepare for each change in my life the best I can. I look at it like almost like a new story. What will the plot be? What new characters may I encounter? What will the theme or message be for this chapter of my life? Each time my life changes I think I answer these questions, but God or life always has at least one different answer. The changes are never fully what I expected.

This chapter in my life is like the others. It is not what I expected.

My goal for this chapter is to pursue my ideal life, my passions, and God’s will for my life.

At the moment I am being torn down in negative areas of my personality, struggling with my motivation, and I’m learning to be more flexible in multiple areas of my life. It is a trying point in my life. I do not want to face the areas of myself that I don’t like and should change. It is not easy to let things go that annoy me or frustrate me.

I do know that the reward for going through all this will be worth it. I will hopefully rid myself of the parts of me I do not like and become more flexible with things that don’t actually matter in the long run of things. I’ll be a better version of myself and living a better version of my life.

Also, although it is tough I am still less stressed and not emotionally drained each night. It is a better life for myself already.

Plus, I can actually have a full day to rest, which is a new thing and one I’m still relearning how to do. It is strange that stopping and relaxing is hard for someone. It seems like it should be easy to do, but I’ve spent years only really stopping on vacations. If I was not on vacation I had something to do; I had something to create or a to-do list item to check off. Now I have a day for that stuff and a day to stop and take care of myself. I still want to keep going and going, but I know we all have to take a break now and again, so that is what I’m doing. I will learn how to do it well eventually.


True Healing (A Poem)

true healing a poem


Brokenness hides
deep inside
where walls are built up
and darkness resides.

I tear down the walls
shine light on it all
calling the broken pieces to my side
so that true healing may be found inside.

Want More?

If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio or watch a few of my poetry readings.