My Warrior Cry: A Poem

My Warrior Cry: A Poem
Let this be my warrior cry.
If life is a battle field I will fight.
I am in God's army.
I will be on His side.
My battles are His.

Let me put on my armor.
I will stand my ground.
I will fight with God's righteous love,
not against the seen
but what is hiding underneath.
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If you would like to read more of my poetry please take a look at my portfolio. You can also watch a few of my poetry readings.

My Writing Warrior Challenge

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Since my first 100 day challenge went so well, I have decided to do another. In the first challenge I focused on getting in better shape for my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Now, since I am going to try to increase my classes I thought it would be good to challenge myself in a different aspect of my life.

This challenge will focus on my brain, more specifically editing. I already procrastinated past the deadline I gave myself. It is time to get this book’s second draft finished.

Now I am not saying I will finish editing my book in 100 days. That would stress me out more than it would be helpful.  No my writing warrior challenge is much more simple. I will edit for 20 minutes a day. Some days I will be able to edit more, but I will not edit any less. If I do I start the count over.

Unlike the other challenge I will not be logging a thought a day. I will most likely tweet more about this challenge, but not a thought every day. I am already thinking a bunch trying to edit the book.

The good news is that I’m already on day 2 with most of the 20 minutes done. That being said I will let you know how it all went 98 days from now.