2014 in review

I know I’m a little late for last year’s review, but I just found it. I liked looking at what this blog did last year and I hope you do too.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,500 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 42 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Five minutes more ( A Morning Poem)


Writing Prompt
How do you wake up? Do you spring out of bed, almost always fully rested or do you hit snooze? What is it like for you to wake up on a typical morning?

Five more minutes,
please just five more minutes,
well five or ten;
fifteen minutes tops.
I just need to be curled up
in my nest of blanks and pillows.
Let me relax for a little longer
I promise I will wake up
I will get up and shower.
I just need to be in bed
just a little big longer.
If I could I would
just stay in bed
with my covers over my head,
but no I promised.
I will wake,
but I need five minutes more.


My Challenge To Myself


Yes, I usually use this picture for my DreamWard Bound posts, but I felt it fits this post. I have a challenge that I challenged myself to and I accepted that challenge. This challenge is to create an exercise routine that I can do everyday for 100 days.

I got this idea from a friend at work who is doing a 100 day challenge for herself. She has her 15 minute routine that she does every day. She found this “century” challenge first from a sword fighting challenge she heard of or did. It was basically 100 strikes for 100 days. She took the idea and made it into a workout challenge.

I am now taking that idea and making it my own.

Now I usually am on the go, so I might not get to do this all at once. However, I need to make sure I do it all.

Here is my challenge.

  • 10 Squats (and hold for 10 seconds after)
  • 10 Russian Twists
  • 10 push ups (hold in plank for 10 seconds after)
  • 10 crunches
  • 10 shrimp/ hip escapes (each side)
  • 10 hip switches
  • 10 shoulder rolls
  • 20 bicycles
  • 10 leg lifts
  • 10 Cross-body mountain Climber (That may not be the name, but I know what it means)

If you want to know more information about these exercise, please let me know. I may still expand on the exercises, but that is the list so far.

The catch with this challenge is that I will do these exercises for 100 days and if I miss a day I will reset the day count. This means if I am at day 66 and miss a day I reset the day count, so the next day I will be at day 0 or 1 depending if I actually workout.

The only exception to the set back day count is my class days. I want to be able to focus all my energy on the training and class. Plus, I will be doing more than 10 sets of most of these exercise during class.

After the 100 days I will increase the exercise numbers and do another 100 days.

I will also be keeping or trying to keep a log of my challenge. I am not sure how I will do this, but will be keeping track some where, some how. Stay tuned for the log of the challenge.

Finally, let me know if you are taking this challenge too.

Are The Words (A Poem)


Are all the words already said?
Did they fly out of someone else’s head?
I can’t see and I can’t find
Any words that are inside.

Are all the words already made?
Did they already create all the new means?
I don’t have any to call my own.
No new words have been shown.

Are all the words claimed?
Can they never be changed?
If I use a word a certain way;
If I tweak the meaning in a different way,
will some one complain?

Are all the words already said?
Are all the words already made?
Are all the words claimed?
I think not;
you just have to look beyond.

My Monday Night (Sort Of A Short Story)


Hello and welcome to my Monday night. It was amazing and now I feel slightly broken. I am energized even though I am exhausted. I want to sleep now that my night is over, but too excited to even think of fully ending the night. You see I was wonderfully hurt and carefully punched. I was stressed, pushed, and rolled. I learned what hurts and how to hurt, but never trying to hurt the other.

Hello and welcome to my Monday night. I got to class early and started to prepare. I did not have a pen and there was no paper. I did not sit at a desk and no books would be found. I got to class early and changed into my warrior’s clothing. I put on the pants that match the top. I tied my belt as tight as it could go and I prepared for class.

Hello and welcome to my Monday night. I ran among men and pushed myself to do what they do. I pushed myself hard as deep voices counted the numbers of the challenge. I struggled to prove myself to myself as the advanced classmates pushed on  stronger. Still I pushed on alongside them.

Hello and welcome to my Monday night. It’s a night where I introduce myself to different men, well some are boys. I introduce myself to them all the same. I give them a fist bump before the fun starts. I push when they pull or pull when they push. If I stop to think they either help and tell me what to do or the show me how stopping is the enemy. I do not know most of these partners, but still we roll and tug at each other struggling to win the round. The first round could be easy with only clothes touching clothes. The first round could be a small lesson with my partner telling me how to win. Or the first round could be personal and trusting with a face full of your partner’s sweaty  torso. Any way the first rounds start they start, I learn, they end.

Hello and welcome to my Monday night. Join me on this adventure of life and lessons. All the pain and sweat is worth it.

DreamWard Bound With A New Schedule


This week’s DreamWard Bound post will be a quick one. I had a super busy and long week at work. This means that by Wednesday I ran out of time and energy to write or do anything creative. I did write one short story using a writing prompt from last week’s writing prompt post.  I also started to write a character description post that was also from that prompt post. The character description turned into a bit of a short story and I did not get a chance to finish it.

I believe this coming week will have more time in it for writing, creativity, and breathing.

Before I give you the short list of things I did this week, I do want to mention a change to when DreamWard Bound posts will be going out. Since, my main focus this year will be my novel I wanted to give my Saturdays to novel editing. That means that it would be hard to write a post before evening time. Even evening on Saturday may be a bit rushed, depending on how well the editing is going. That is why DreamWard Bound is moving to Sundays. I may finish writing this weekly update on Saturday, but for continuity sake I will publish all DreamWard Bound posts now on Sundays.

Now, here is the list.

Realization (random ramblings)

Imagine Dragons and Airplanes (A Short Story)



I’m realizing I want to be an actor, but I cannot not be an author. I will write even if no one reads. I will create stories even if a pen and paper are not near. Characters come into my mind and I see stories without trying. The only real hard part with writing is getting everything written so that others can understand the things I find beautiful.

That is why this year I will be focusing on my writing. I will still try to post videos, but acting and media will be on the C/ last tier of goals. Writing either this blogs or my novel will be A/ first tier and the most important goals this year.

I want to get this draft done and polish my novel up to get editors or friends to give me their input. Plus, the deadline for this draft that I set for myself is fast approaching.

As it stands now God and my family (both blood and tribe) are the two most important things.  I’m going to be trying to find different more effective ways to connect with them this year and build stronger relationships. I haven’t written that down all nicely, though.

Next will be my Novel, which means I may not get all five posts published every week. I will try hard to do that, but my main focus will be the whole reason why I write as much as I do. I want to get better and get a book I wrote into readers hands. I don’t care about having a publisher’s stamp of approval now. I just want people to read my stuff.

And I would love people to read my book. I love the story and characters. I just hope the people who will read the book, well books (it is a series), will love them just as much. I mean I see them so clearly and the story is so real to me, but I’m still making it readable and well written.

Well, that was a bit of a ramble.  Basically what I’m saying is I will be writing more and acting less. Acting will go on the back burner until I finish editing my book. I need to focus on one dream/ goal at a time.

Imagine Dragons And Airplanes (a Short Story)


She stood at the airport waiting for her ride wearing her green dress that flared at her hips. She waited as cars picked up loved ones and unicorns picked up their masters. She waited and waited.  She almost went back inside to call a taxi cab when a loud crashing sound and a terrifying roar of pain came blasting down the road where people were being picked up.

The lady looked towards the crash and saw a miniature dragon clumsily coming down a lane trying not to hit or even crush the cars in the other two lanes. Although he was a miniature dragon, he was still as long as a truck and each of his wings stretched out would also be as long as a truck. The lady gasped out of fear for the creature and for the people in the cars that he was trying so hard not to hit.

She feared for them until she saw who was riding the dark green scaled animal. Her husband rode on the dragon’s two person saddle. She smiled and rolled her eyes, “This is your surprise? We can’t afford a dragon!”

Finally her husband was close enough to climb down the great beast and hug his wife. He gave her a kiss in which he dipped her in his arms. When they parted he smiled his charming smile that made her fall in love with him so many years before. That is when he stated, “No, my new job is the surprise. This is just a little reward.”

“Nothing about a dragon is little.” The lady said and as she did the dragon leaned down to sniff her. He then lightly licked her as a sign of affection. She stared at the dragon’s purple eyes not wanting to like the animal, but finding that hard. “Just don’t fly too high, okay? I just got off a plane I don’t need to feel like I’m back on one.”

“Don’t worry honey. Bae, can’t go that high with two of us. One day soon, we should take him to a field, so that you can see how high he can go.”

She nodded and he loaded her two bags onto Bae’s back before helping her into her side of the saddle. They were then off flying a few feet over traffic; happily in between the airplanes and cars.



Where I wear my Heart (A Poem)


I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve.
It is not on a piece of clothing that I wear.
My heart is easily concealed
and easily shown
on my claves
and on my chest,
painted with pain
each part properly placed.

Here is my family
always a part of me
like a vine of flowers
on which I stand,
first known and first inked.

Here is my claim
that I love God and he me,
the closest to my heart,
the hardest to make part,
shining what I believe
the easiest to see.
Love is at the center of the cross.

Next, let me show you
my smile.
The only one of my inked on hearts
that speaks clearly its words.
‘We’re all mad here,’
it smiles
reminding me, always,
that everyone is crazy
in their own special way,
so keep on smiling
because you are crazy too.

The last for now,
my truest of true heart
blossoms forth
beautifully claiming
each friend then and now
whether at my center
or closer to the start
has created my heart,
either with love or with hate
and will forever be part of me.

You see I do not stand alone.
I stand on my family,
supported by my friends
with God at my heart
and a smile always near by,
so I inked them with pain
as a reminder
and a claim
that no matter what happens
in my life and in my heart
in at least one way will never part.