The Sun is shining (A Happy Poem)


Does the sun shine only for me?
I wonder if you can even see.
The sun is bright
and gives such a warm light.

Does the sun shine only for me?
Or does it shine only for those near the sea?
The waves are rolling and crashing
and my happy beach memories are rehashing.

Does the sun shine only for me?
I ponder if it actually shines for that tree.
The one that is tall and mighty
who was made, like the sun, by the almighty.

No the sun shine for both you and me
It shines for those near the sea and the tree.
The sun shines for happiness
and I think it shines to impress
yes, to impress you and me.

World Away (A letter)




I normally try to keep the topic of God to my other blog (Salty Light Project), but in hopes that this reaches those who are in great struggle, because of their faith and that they live in a country that does not allow them to believe in the same God that so many take for granted, I am putting this here. 

I hope you are moved by this and if you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

Dear friends, brothers, those who live in a world far away yet pursuing the same truths. To those who are tortured and beaten because they love.

I can do little, but I will pray. I am only one person, but your story has traveled across the world to me. If I can I will help,because no matter what we are made up of the same substances. We both have skin to cover our muscles. We both have eyes to see the world and both have ears to hear the truth. If nothing else is similar we are both humans and we both deserve to love and live in the truth of the world.

I am be only one, but I have a voice and this is me saying I will pray for your bones not to break and for your heart to stay strong. I will pray your soul finds peace in the turmoil and that your spirits stay strong. They can break your bones but not your soul. They can make your life a horrible nightmare with no end, but when you wake up from the nightmare you will be in paradise. Keep that thought, friend, in your mind.

You may live through terrifying ordeals with unending pains, but the life you have to live is not your whole story. You may be broken down and even killed but as long as your soul stays firm on the firm foundation which you planted it on you, dear brother, will last forever.

Please, know that you are loved, you are strong, and you are not alone. Even if the only ones that stand by your side is a random girl across the world and God, you do not stand alone. You are being prayed for. You are strengthening my faith and my prayer life. I know it’s not much, but your strength is strengthening others. Stay strong and know you are not alone. You are being prayed for.


a sister in faith.

DreamWard Bound (Written on September 13, 2014)


I am sitting in my favorite cafe that is just down the road from my home with a hat, striped t-shirt and shorts on feeling like a real artist or at the very least a creative person with a great life. It is interesting since that is not how I woke up. I woke up with the annoying question of, “why?” Why am I even trying to lose weight? Why am do I wrote and force writing upon myself? I also did not want to do any of it. I did not see the benefits of going to the gym when I was not meeting my goal. This morning really was all about the gym. I wanted to be lazy, so I was for a bit, but then I went. I worked out for an hour, pushing myself to burn more calories. Now I feel better and got to relearn a lesson: If you push towards your goals not matter what the outcome is you will be happier than you would if you did not. Also you can’t blame or put yourself down if you try your best.

That was this morning thoughts, but let us get to what I did this week. Since I set up new goals and revised older goals last week this week was really focused on figuring out how to meet them. I found a good reading plan to read through the Bible in a year. I tried really hard to diet and work out almost everyday, which did not really work because I was not tracking what I was eating and I think I ate too little and still worked out. I also tried to be more organized with my time, which was hard since I am changing job positions at my work. I was not as productive with my poetry writing as I would  have liked, but at least I wrote from the heart. Another thing I did was edit my poetry reading of Your Efforts and posted on to my YouTube channel. It was not my best video but at least I did it.

I also have an idea for my  YouTube channel to change all the thumb nails. I want what the audience sees to look professional and informative, not just screen shots of the video or random pictures. That is a thought for the future though.

Now that my rant is over here is the list of what I did this week.

Your Efforts (A Poetry Reading) {video}

Thank You (A Poem)

One More (A Poem)

What To Do? (A Poem)

The Me I Want To Be (A Poem)


Thank you (A Gratitude Poem)


Thank you for looking
and reading
and seeing
into my soul
into my heart.

Thank you for living
and laughing
and loving
with me
around me
and far from me.

Thank you for being
the person you use to be
who made you to the person you are
and is pushing you to be the person you will be.

Thank you for viewing
and supporting
visiting and liking
what I do
who I am
and how I do things.

Thank you.

Here is a fast but from the heart poem. Let me know what you think and if you are reading this, this poem is for you. I am truly grateful for every person who follows me and every view. 

I hope you have a wonderful day and let me know what you think. 

One More (A Goodnight Poem)




I know this is posting during the day, but I am writing it at night so bear with me or wait until it’s night to read it. 

Inspiration push
one more poem
one more rhyme
before my brain runs out of time.

Please shine your light
for one more minute
just for one more writing
so that I can call it a night

The day was long
yet I want just one more poem
pushing myself to meet my goal
of one more
because I always want one more.

So push on inspiration
come close muse of my mind
dance out one more poem
sing out one rhyme
until we are out of time.

What to do? (A Poem after a mishap)

What do I do?
sit in anger
in grief
waiting and watching
the ball of angry twine tighten?

What do I do?
Scream and shout
about the beauty that was lost
wallowing in my heart
about how it was unfair?

What do I do?
Watch my soul grow dark
and my heart breaks

What do I do?
I write
pushing off the anger
wiping clean the screams
that want to creep out.
I turn the light of my soul
to shine bright
and move on.

What do I do?
I continue on
I laugh at the poem that comes out
and smile
I get to write even more.

What do I do?
I win the battle
that rages inside of me

 I first wrote a lovely little poem about aging and being loved. It was sweet and happy with the repeating line smile and play. Well that obviously did not want to be published and wound up being deleted some how. That is where this came from.

I hope you enjoyed this and have a wonderful day remembering you don’t have to be angry when your work winds up being for nothing. 

Always smile and know you are loved.

The Me I Want To Be (a poem)


 I have put off writing this poem. I haven’t really wanted to truly face my ideas of loosing weight and why I want to get healthier. I also feel like I don’t have to share my reasons behind wanting to lose weight. Yet, this poem keeps bugging me, so I will write it if only to get it out of my head,

I hope you enjoy this poem.

Dear media,
Dear society,
I see the type of woman you ask for
I see your demands.
Media please know
I do not believe in your ideals
Dear society
I do not want your either.
I simply want to be me.

Yet the me in the mirror
does not match the me in my soul.
I do not know the woman
staring back at me.
I do not know the body
that I am in.
I am too young
for these ache.
My heart has more energy
than my body can take.
I yearn to do more
and be more
but how can I
when there is still more
more inches around my body
more acne on my face
and more aches in my knees.

I see you media
I see you society
and I almost want to embrace
this more type of me,
but I can’t.
I don’t want to me in your mold
but I want to me in mine.
I wish you did not demand perfection
so that every one will know.
I simply want to be the me
that I know.
I simply want to be the me
that is the same age as my soul.
I simply want to be me.

So I will.
I will turn my life back around.
I will fight these aches off
while the inches run away
and the pounds disappear.
I will fight my unhealthy cravings,
struggle to do what is right
and smile while I sweat.
I will fight until I am exactly who I want to be.
I will fight until I am
the me I want to be.

Dear media,
Dear society,
my health, my body
has nothing to do with you.
My health, my body
is mine and I will fight for it
despite of you.
I will fight until I am
the me I want to be.

Goals remade


As I mentioned in This Week’s DreamWard Bound I am redoing my goals. I reviewed them, switched them up and twisted them into goals that are newer and more appropriate for the time being. I want to share them with you, so that if or when you see changes you will know why I am doing them.

These goals are a little different. I am trying out a new system, since some goals are already in my schedule and I am already working on them. I will be giving each goal a priority number (1-8) and class (A,B,C).  With the classes A are the first and most important class while C is the ones that I will get around to after A and B are done.

In the A class we have

  1.  I am going to read the entire Bible in 1 year (so by September 6, 2014) by reading for an hour a day, before I start my creative goals, so that I can learn more about God.  My reward will be a new note takers Bible.
  2.  I am going to strengthen my relationships with my family by texting or communicating with each family member at least once a week. My reward will be the stronger relationships that come out of the communications.
  3.  I am going to lose 30 lbs by November 23rd, by exercising and eating healthier, so that I am less achy, feel better about my body, have less acne, and am generally healthier. My reward will be $60 for pampering myself with the understanding that if I do not lose the weight the $60 will go to a friend.
  4.  I am going to publish at least one one-minute video a week focused on setting and achieving goals, so that I can share my knowledge of achieving in an interesting, fun and motivational way. I will reward myself by putting $30 towards a new computer and $30 towards my future fund after 3 months.

In the B class we have

  1. I am going to post 5 poems a week to my blog, so that I can strengthen my poetic voice, writing skill and grow my audience. After 3 months I will reward myself with $60 towards a new computer.
  2. I am going to post a monologue or scene that grows my acting skills once a week to YouTube in order to become a better actor and to be confident enough in my skills so that I can be comfortable auditioning. After 3 months I will hire an acting coach.

In the class C we have

  1. I am going to paint for 2 hours every other week to release unknown emotions, build my artistic voice and skill. My reward will be all the profits I make from selling my art will go towards my future fund.
  2. I am going to finish my 2nd draft of my novel by May 3, 2015 by working on it Tuesdays or Wednesdays so that I can be closer to finishing my first novel and that much closer to the next novel in the series. My reward will be a party with my friends.

I want to also note that I will still be working on the goal of posting a video and blog post every week, but I broke that into two separate goals. I mentioned that because I am excited for a weekend at a hotel in two months now, with no responsibilities, which really just means I will be writing and recording a bunch of stuff for fun.

Another thing that I should let you in on is the “Future Fund” that I mentioned in two goals is actually a savings goal that since it doesn’t take up time I forgot to write down. I will be saving up in order to take a year from normal work and focus solely on my acting and writing career. I still am uncertain about all the details, so I still in the prep and planning stages of this major goal. It is a goal that I have though.

Well, I believe that is all for my goals right now. Please let me know what you think.

I hope you enjoyed this extra post today. I also hope you have a wonderful day.

This week's DreamWard Bound


This week was a good week for me. I felt like I not only wrote three poems, I wrote three really meaningful and good poems. Plus I wrote two other random posts, that I enjoyed. I also wrote in my second blog that I have not posted on in months. To top it off I went to the gym almost every day and realized some strength improvements today.

I am trying to think about what else I did this week and what else I  can write, but honestly I don’t have too much to say.I stayed home more than normal, which was a change. I also wrote about the things that was going on as they went on.

I will be posting a goal update, since I want to review and freshen them up before I start my Goal Getters videos. I have watched YouTube videos as research to make sure there is a need for what I want to do. I think there is, since most of them are either dry, longer, or coming at goals as an expert. I know that I would rather watch videos that are interesting and relational. Goal Getters videos will be a journey not a class. I am working on goals right now, so I may not be an expert but I do know how to achieve them. I could go into more details but all this about Goal Getters will be in a video soon enough.

Alrighty than, here is what I did this week.

Patting Myself on the Back

Traffic (a Rispetto Poem)

Honesty ( A Poem)

Flowing Thoughts of a Poetic Mind

Your Efforts (A Ottava Rima Poem)

There we are. I hope you enjoyed this post and please let me know what you think. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

Patting myself on the back


I just need to take a step back from poetic words with flowing verses to pat myself on the back. Today is the day of the month that I usually want to curl up and sleep for an eternity. I did not sleep though. I woke up and got ready for work. I then learned that my carpool buddies were not going into work. I could have went back and relaxed grabbing a cup of coffee from my new favorite cafe, but I did not. I went to work stopping by a fast coffee place that was already opened.

After work I could have stopped my day, but I did not I went to a creative meeting for my church instead. Now, that should be the end of the day right. It was not I then dragged myself to the gym, which was very hard to do. Still I did it; I went to the gym.

It is almost 10 pm now and I have been out of my house since 6:30 am. The end of my day is in site and I have happy that I pushed myself to go to the gym. I am happy that I am writing this post and I am really happy that I am pushing myself to do more than I thought I could.

If you take anything out of this post, if you learn anything from me, know that you can do more than you think. If I can push myself to do more, you can push yourself too.


I hope you enjoyed this post and please let me know what you think. Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading.